Saturday, May 27, 2017

May 27 - Lambs Canyon

Upper 60s and sunny is the forecast for today. Below normal temperatures but I'm loving it.

Heading up to Lambs Canyon today in search of butterflies - the early ones should be flying.

Hoping the canyon gate is open (save's me a 1.5 mile walk to the trail). But I'm going either way.

When I arrive, the gate is closed and much of the off road parking if full (appears to be a college class of some sort at the gate).

I park (6130ft) and start up the road. It's cool - only in the low 50s but it's sunny. I've driven this road
many times but this is the first time I've ever walked it (and without worrying about cars - I like that).

Along the road are several snowmobiles. I suspect local folks so they can reach their homes in the winter.

Not much blooming along the road. A few Bluebells, a few Forget-me-knots at the lower part and dandelions. Lots of dandelions.

Despite the coolness, I see Spring Azures flying a bout - many of them.

While I was taking pix of the Azures, an elderly gentleman walks by. We chat as we walk. Says the road is supposed to open June 1. Closes in the winter to prevent idiots from joy riding up the narrow curvy road and ending in the ditches. (The road is just access to some summer homes -- not a thru route.) He likes the closed gate, make his walk safer. Don't blame him.

I leave him and continue at my own pace. As I continue up the road, I'm seeing Juba Skippers

a few Western Tailed Blue.

and Painted Ladies and Two-tailed Swallowtails.

The Horsetail plants are emerging from the ground now.

I reach the trail head (6600ft) and check the mud puddles near the empty parking area (historically a great place to see butterflies) and find none. Hopefully, when I got back from the trail, there will be some.

I start up the trail; it's 1.75 miles one way (~1540 ft in elevation to 8140 ft). The forest floor is green with young plants. I see a bunch of Virgin Bowers in bloom. And some Strawberries in bloom.

Oh and a few Bluebells, but that's all. There are Geraniums and Columbine out of the ground but not in bud yet.

Along the trail, I'm still seeing Spring Azures and Juba Skippers and Rocky Mt Duskywing. Mostly Spring Azures though.

The trail is wonderful, green, sounds of running water and squirrels/chipmunks chirping.

I'm actually surprised when I see a couple standing near a downed tree. (I wasn't expecting anyone to walk 3.2 miles just to hike to/from a trail -- I was wrong.) We talk - they're from Houston TX and not going further (altitude). So I stoop under the branch and continue upwards.

Many obstacles on the trail today (winter dead fall). I step over, climb over, crawl under branches/tree trunks along the way. I'm hoping to reach the top but have already decided to stop if I run into snow. But other than small patches in the shadow of the valley below, I'm not seeing any snow.

I do spot Painted Lady and a Hoary Comma as I get higher.

And a few Larkspur.

I come to a large clearing below with a running stream and the end of my day. A very large dead fall pile - not a simple climb over or crawl under. I'm sure I can make it thru if I really wanted to but I messed up my ankle last year climbing over a large tree trunk, just not worth the risk today. Time to head down. (I'm probably made it up a little more than 1/2 way.)

On the way down, I actually run into several groups of people walking up the trail (glad I'm not the only crazy one today).

I also see my first Mourning Cloaks of the day

A red breasted Nuthatch

And 2 Orangetips! (These guys make me smile!)

Soon I reach the road again and check the puddles again and there are butterflies! Spring Azures and Western Tailed Blue.

More Rocky Mountain Duskywings and a Sleepy Duskywing!!

And 2 more Orangetips!!

I also see this small white butterfly; seems to have a yellowish tinge. It's not flying well but looks fresh. Perhaps, it just emerged. Looks like a Spring White (female). Pretty cool!!

I head down the road continuing to check the puddles. Blue, Duskywings and Painted Ladies.

I see more Two-tailed Swallowtails and surprise, a Pale Swallowtail!!

Great day!