Monday, May 29, 2017

May 20 - Buckhorn Wash Drive

Perfectly sunny morning already in the 50s with a high near 70 expected. My plan is to drive back home thru Buckhorn Wash enjoying the scenery (including red rock) and hunting for butterflies (if they are flying).

Since I want to the temperatures to warm before driving thru the Wash (and I don't want to sit in my hotel room until 10am), I decide to drive back to Little Wild Horse Canyon to check for bflys there. I know, it's still cool there but at least I'm doing something semi-productive (and maybe I'll get lucky).
And it's under an hour one-way so why not!

Scenery looks great this morning with the sunny skies (as opposed to the cloudy sky yesterday). I'm not sure if I'll see butterflies at LWH Canyon, but I do see 4 Pronghorn behind a cattle fence to the left. And several miles down the road, there's another herd of three. Then there's the Hawk
sitting on a fence post looking east. And finally, a herd of Pronghorn to the right. Not too bad for a morning drive!!!

I arrive around 9:15 (earlier than yesterday) at LWH Canyon. Lots of folks here already! I grab my camera and start down the Wash looking for butterflies. Seeing nothing but lots of lizards running around.

I take a side trail for about a 1/2 mile, still no butterflies.

I then continue down the Wash to the entrance of the canyon. Looks a bit brighter today.

But so many folks. Yesterday, the groups were mostly 2 people. Today, it's families, scouting groups, ... So glad I came yesterday!! I walk back up the Wash to my car without a single butterfly sighting. :( Still a good trip!

On the way back to the HWY 70, I look for the 3 Pronghorn groups I saw earlier. I only see the group on the right (and only one of them).

Time to head east on HWY 70 to Exit 131 (the Buckhorn Wash dirt road).

But first, I have to stop to enjoy the view before entering the San Rafael Swell ("large anticline where the earth's crust has been heaved from below to form a great dome of rock layer" but millions of years of erosion have exposed those layer.

What an incredible rugged landscape!)

And then after crossing over into the Swell, I make a stop to view Black Dragon Canyon.

I continue on to my exit -- now starts a wonderful 49 mile drive north to Castle dale. As soon as I turn onto the dirt road, bright dark red paintbrush blooms catch my eye. Although there isn't a pull-off, this is a dirt road with few cars, so I stop to check out the blooms!!

I continue on looking at the scenery and looking for animals (deer, pronghorn,...).

As I come around a corner, animals catch my eye. I stop in the road; they're wild burros!!!! I pull forward hoping to get closer but the road is under the embankment (I can't see the animals.) So I stop and climb the little hill and there they are!!!

I've seen wild horses before in WY, but wild burros are a first for me.

I continue on stopping occasionally for the views.

I stop at a wash that I've been told is good for butterflies. But I'm not so sure I'm going to see any -- there hasn't been many flying. But I walk up the wash to the right for a bit.

Many lizards, good flowers,

good views and a couple of Variegated Frits and a Melissa Blue.

I head over to the left side of the wash and strike out there as well. I suspect it's just too early in the season or the wacky Spring weather we've been having. Onward I go getting closer to the rocks!! But I make a few stops.

I reach the rocks!

I am entering the tourist area after passing the Swinging Bridge - lots of campers, tourists, 4 wheelers. My nice quiet ride has gotten crowded. Some of the tourist stops (pictographs, dinosaur print, etc) are full of campers or 4 wheelers so I can't stop. A bit disappointing but I have seen them before when my nephew was out 4 years ago (hardly saw anyone that day). There is an "official" pictograph wall that is left to tourists so I stop to see the Fremont Indian drawings.

I continue on with the drive. I finish the northward part of the drive and start east. I have one last stop - the Wedge Overlook which is 6 miles south. I reach the turn and head to the Overlook. This is Utah's Grand Canyon.

Here I see lizards

A Variegated Frit

And awesome canyon views.

Well worth the stop!

Time to head home. Awesome day!