Friday, May 26, 2017

May 25 - Little Cottonwood Trail (Little Cottonwood Canyon)

Wonderful day today -- uppers 60s and sunny! Heading out after work to hike the Little Cottonwood Trail. I was there about a month ago and there was still some snow in spots AND the lower parking was not yet opened. Today, I'm sure there will be no snow and hoping the lower lot is open (it usually opens around Memorial Day and that's now).

I roll up on the turn for the lower lot (finger crossed because I want to walk the entire trail) and sure enough, it's open!! Quite a few cars already there (probably mostly bikers).

I park and head off eyes peeled for butterflies; they should be out.

Not many flowers in bloom at the start just some pink flowers of wild onion/garlic.

But there are butterflies! I see flying both Western and Two-tailed Swallowtails (only a couple of them) and one Painted Lady.

A bit further along, I start seeing fresh Rocky Mountain Duskywing

And Juba Skippers.

After passing a water plant and heading into the trees, I see one (nope two) Orangetips - both males patrolling for females.

I reach the bridge (after about a mile) and boy, is the creek roaring; lots of water coming down the mountain!!

I see my first Spring Azure of the day (many more along the way).

I cross the bridge and continue up the trail. Stopping first for a Hoary Comma basking on the trail.

Lots of Juba skippers all along the trail. Definitely more on the lower 1.5 miles but still flying.

I'm also seeing Satyr Comma and Mourning Cloak.

I reach my favorite little stream pool and it has some flow going today!

I've been squirrels along the way but I finally catch up to one.

I cross the footbridge and then the bigger bridge. I've finally reached water on the trail near the water wheel. This section usually floods (and it is now). I hop over some rocks and then go check out the water from the platform -- moving fast!

As I move on, I spot a Green Comma (sure looks like one; it's my first on this trail).

Along this stretch, I find several Spring Azures.

I reach the trail from the upper parking. It's usually flooded here too -- but it's really not bad. No running water (as normal this time of year) just a big puddle on the trail. I continue on to the end of the trail.

Before heading back down.

Awesome day!