Saturday, September 30, 2017

Sept 29 - Mormon Pioneer Trail

Well it's a sunny Friday with high near 70 degrees. Normally, I'd be heading into the mountains after work but my knee is still a bit grumpy from Wednesday's hike thru the snow. I still want to get out and enjoy the weather but have to find a relatively flat trail -- very hard to do around here. But the Mormon Trail is somewhat flat especially the first mile or so; so that's where I'm heading.

Haven't been here still early August; hoping for a little Fall color. (It's definitely late this year.)

As I drive up the dirt road, I finally see some fall colors!!! Definitely far from peak but still colors.

I park and start up the trail.

Everything is so dry but there are a few (just a few) purple asters and yellow composites.

The aspens along the trail are starting to turn yellow. Some are farther along than others.

My plan is just to hike to the pond which is about 1.25 miles.

Along the way, I see several Satyr Commas (on the trail and in the parking lot)

two Common Checkered Skippers

a single Mylitta Crescent

and 5 Mourning Cloaks.

Lots of bees out today all flying very low to the ground -- I think they might be getting water from the wet trail.

The big flying grasshopper numbers are down. I do see a few of ones with red wings. But there are a good number of the smaller grasshoppers.

And there's a few Chipmunks moving a bout.

Plenty of seed heads from Yarrow, Goldenrod, Thistle, etc....

As I enter the meadow before the pond, I see a good sized wasp's nest that was destroyed alongside the trail.

I reach the pond.

Just a few dragonflies flying here.

I just loop around the pond hoping to kick something up -- no luck.

Time to head back.

When I reach the end of the trail, I see a butterfly. I just think it's another Satyr Comma but when it lands it's quite a surprise -- it's a California Tortoiseshell!!!

I've seen them on this trail but everytime about 3 miles down the path. Pretty exciting!!

Lovely day!!