Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Sept 27 - Desolation Lake and Wasatch Crest (Big Cottonwood Canyon)

Taking the day off for my annual migration to Desolation Lake to look for Fall colors. Based on the amount of snow the mountains received since last Friday (around a foot), I'm pretty sure I'll be seeing more Winter White than yellows, oranges, and reds. I'll soon find out.

Cool morning - low 40s in the valley - but the sun is rising, the skies are clear with a high of 67 in the valley today.

I'm really not too sure what to expect with respect to snow; I'm just hoping the first mile or so are clear and someone has already hiked up to Desolation Lake already so I can just follow through the snow.

The hike itself is 3.3 miles and around 1900ft to Desolation Lake. Then it's another 1/2 mile and 500 ft to the Wasatch Crest; a trail along the crest of the Wasatch Mts. Once up there, one has views of Wasatch down to the Salt Valley on one side and Park City on the other. The elevation at the crest is 9710 ft.

As I drive up the canyon, the splashes for reds and oranges are growing bigger. But the aspen have barely changed. Along side the road, there's no snow even at the trail head.

It's 41 degrees at the trail head. The low vegetation is a bit frosty this morning. But there are pops of color above the trail.

Snowy peaks on the other side of the road.

I start up the trail paralleling the road for a bit before turning north up a canyon - Mill D Creek to be exact. The trail is more or less clear for almost a mile even though in spots it is surrounded by snow. (Not sure how that happens.)

At around the mile mark, where the trail and creek meet, the trail becomes a mix of packed snow, frozen footprints or frozen ground.

The creek is flowing and there are some icicles hanging from the vegetation near some of the tiny water falls.

Aspens are still green - though they are starting to turn.

I manage to find a couple of asters and composites that look damaged by the snow and frost but they're survivors!

Sure is pretty out.

Soon I reach the Dog Lake / Desolation Lake split. I'm hanging a right and heading east through the snowy aspen / conifers forests.

Going is slow because of the snow and ice.

A little further along, I pass through a meadow and get peeks of snowy mountain tops through the trees.

And further still, reach a little snowy canyon. With great views back down towards the valley.

Several chipmunks scurrying along the top of the snow. They are much closer to the flower seeds now and are definitely feeding.

Finally, I reach the meadow where Desolation Lake is. There's a little bit of Fall color here.

But many aspens have already dropped their leaves - the snow is covered by them.

I head directly towards the lake blazing my own trail through the snow. Someone was creative and built a snowman!!

Pretty sure the lake will not be frozen - and it's not. But it's sure pretty as always - especially with all the snow!!

This is the first time I've been here with snow on the ground - pretty cool!

I make my way to the other end of the lake along the shoreline. Then head back to the opposite side for a quick rest on a rock.

So peaceful out!

Time to head up to the crest. I'm not sure how people know where the trail is when it's snow covered but I'm sure happy a few people have taken this climb before me.

Soon I'm on the crest trail with wonderful views of the lake and the Salt Lake Valley in the distance.

On the other side is Park City with clear view of the Uintas Mountains in the distance.

There's lots of snow on the Park City side of the crest (no Fall colors). Pretty clear on the Wasatch side (it gets more sunshine).

I head down the crest a bit

I find a spot on the crest and break for lunch.

Views are quite different than all my other trips. Not sure if I prefer the Fall colors or this snow. Either way it's pretty incredible!!

Well, it's time to head down. The trail is now is muddy, slushy, and a flowing creek in many places.....messy but easier walking. And the views are still nice.

Along the 1st mile of the trail, I find a couple of Hoary Comma

and a Mourning Cloak (both overwintering butterflies).

Very little Fall colors but an incredible day!!