Friday, September 8, 2017

Sept 4 - Snakecreek Pass (Big Cottonwood Canyon)

It's Labor Day, sunny and hot; I don't usually head to the mountains on a holiday as its way to crowded and crazy but I'm heading there today to be the heat elsewhere.

The canyon is already very crowded as I head up around 8:30. So many folks heading up! (It's going to be a very crowded Lake Mary today.)

I find a parking spot at Brighton without much trouble - they have a huge parking lot - and start heading up. No piece and quiet on this part of the trail - almost looks like an ant farm. On my way up the ski run, most of the flowers have faded except the Fall bloomer (Asters). But there still are Lupine and a few Paintbrush blooming (and others) still in bloom.

In about 0.8 miles, I reach my turnoff to escape the crowds - the Dog Lake turnoff.

The turnoff to Clayton Peak is almost immediate but I want to head down to Dog Lake to check for Moose. I wander down the trail to Dog Lake. A bit more flowers here -- lots of yellow flowers

Asters and Lupine.

Spot a couple of Northern Flickers flying around.

I reach the Lake which is surprisingly still there but no moose.

Then I head up a shortcut to my trail (a Mormon Frit flies around) and head into the woods. It's so peaceful in here. Only a few flowers still blooming but a few interesting mushrooms.

I pass thru a few meadows which are slowly fading and drying.

I finally reach the gravel road which will take me to Snake Creek Pass and start the climb up. Then I'm at Snake Creek Pass (10,100 ft) with awesome views southeast towards Heber City and Mt Timpanogos.

The flowers at the pass have faded but the few still in bloom are still attracting some butterflies: a Clouded Sulphur, Painted Ladies and Milbert's Tortoiseshell.

I also spot a Hairy Woodpecker.

I then head up a small hill to the Snake Creek Lift for good views down to Mary Lake.

I head up a small footpath up past the Lift hoping to find another great view. I pass thru many dead flowers and find some bloomers. I see a few Frits as well a Melissa Blue (beautiful bfly!).

And wonderful dark purple asters.

I didn't make it to any great view because I got to a point where I just didn't want to go any further. But the view back down to the Lift with Clayton Peak in the background is really nice.

Time to head down. Down back near Dog Lake, I see Blue Coppers.

And soon I'm at the very crowded main trail -- still tons of people walking up to Lake Mary.

Nothing too interesting on the way down but a sighting of 2 Ruddy Coppers.

Great day!!