Saturday, September 9, 2017

Sept 8 - Catherine & Sunset Pass and beyond

Beautiful morning - low 60s and clear skies - with highs later in the low 90s.

I'm heading up to Catherine's Pass this morning and then up to Sunset Pass and over to the Supreme Lift near Devil's Castle. I've usually already done this hike by now but "better late than never". I'm hoping there's still some flowers in bloom especially up on the ridge.

As I arrive at Alta's Summer Road, I can tell it's post-Labor Day and post-flowers as there are no cars (which I really like). When I arrive, not even a quarter of the parking lot is full. Perfect!

As I start off, it's in the 50s at 9400 ft. The sun is out but not up over all the peaks yet. So although the parking lot is in the summer, most the trail is still in the shade.

Most of the flowers are now dry but there are still good patches of flowers around - especially the various Asters. I see Yellow Composites, a few Paintbrush, Lupine, Horsemint along the way.

I arrive at the meadow and look around for deer or moose but nothing this morning. I continue up the switchbacks.

And soon I'm at Catherine's Pass (10,200 ft).

Quite a few chipmunks moving about up here.

After taking a quick look, I start heading up to Sunset Pass taking a stop at one of two overlooks looking down on Lake Catherine and Lake Mary (in the distance).

Soon I arrive at what I call Sunset Pass (10,500 ft). This is one of my favorite places at it look out towards the city of Heber and Mt Timpanogos -- a bit hazy in the morning light.

Also, the downhill slopes are usually full of flowers. Today, that's true except most of the flower are dry now. But there some flowers and the bees and butterflies are using them. Lots of Clouded Sulphurs flying this morning.

And a few Painted Ladies.

Time to head towards Devils Castle.

At one point, the trail heads thru a small forest with Sugarloaf and Mt Baldy clearly ahead of me.

It's the point in the trail that traditionally is not my favorite because of a skinny trail and a big steep downhill. But today, it doesn't bother me and I can really enjoy the views.

Soon I pop out of the woods into the open again. Still lots of Clouded Sulpher flying.

There's a good number of Paintbrush and a few Lupine still blooming. But there's lots of Lupine with seed pods -- from a distance, they actually look like they're blooming. Really pretty!

I also find a few flowers that are blooming near the ground.

As I walk around, I scare up an Acmon Blue.

But nothing else flying.

I head over to the lift but there's workers laying concrete for a new lift so I stop short ....but still get a good view of Devil's Castle, Sugarloaf and Mt Baldy.

Time to head back over towards Sunset Pass. When I arrive, I find a rock and sit among the remaining flowers enjoying the view the birds.

and butterflies (Sulphurs and Painted Ladies).

Well, it's time to continue but before heading down, I check out one last area of flowers. There I'm fortunate to find one Western White.

Time to head down. As I head down to Catherine's Pass, the Clark's Nutcrackers are out in good numbers today eating pine cone seeds.

I'm almost at the Pass, when I see my first Fritillary of the day. I have no area of an ID and the fact it's pretty battered doesn't help. Continuing down I see several more; all battered.

Further down, I start seeing Blue Coppers at some of the flower patches. (There's one area with quite a few of them - both males and females.)

Down further not far from the parking, I spot Ruddy Coppers,

more Blue Coppers, a Milbert's Tortoiseshell

a unbattered Frit

and finally, one Field Crescent.

I really wasn't expecting that more butterflies but I'll take it!! :)

Awesome day!