Saturday, July 1, 2017

June 29 - Lake Solitude - Twin Lakes Loop

Heading up after work to hike the Lake Solitude - Twin Lake loop for the first time this season. Expecting to see some snow especially on the uphill section from Lake Solitude to above Twin Lakes but thinking the rest will be clear.

The hike is between 3-4 miles (8700 - 9600ft).

Beautiful day - sunny, clear skies and a cool 84 today. I arrive around 3:30 and it's around 70 degrees at the Silver Lake parking.

I start around the Silver Lake area towards the boardwalk. Definitely green'ng up now - looks great!

Crossing the foot bridge, there's a Swallow looking for food in the muck under the bridge.

(No "swirling" trout in the water like last time.)

Not many flowers blooming yet but I know they are coming. The lake is clear but can't find any ducks today. Hmmm.

I head off to Lake Solitude. In spots on the trail, it is muddy or there's running/standing water. But for the most part the trail is just dirt. The leaves of the past bloomed Glacier Lilies are still visible as well as lots of new green plants.

Along the trail, I find a few White Columbine, Bluebells, Geraniums,  Larkspur, White and Yellow Violets, Forget-me-Knots, Blue Penstemon

and Rue

And many more.

I do see butterflies -- Western and Two-tailed Swallowtails, Whites and orange flyers -- most likely Commas. (Nothing is stopping today.)

After crossing under the ski lift

I soon pass a rocky outcropping and find (and hear) Pika!

There's only one small patch of snow that I see on the way to the lake and I get to step over it.

Just before reaching Lake Solitude, I startled a deer - ok and myself too!.

You can tell the deer here are very used to people as the deer didn't really budge; just continue to eat..

I reach Lake Solitude.

And checkout the flowers along the shore. Time to head around the lake (I see Field Crescents flying among the Tall Jacob's Ladder and Bluebells) and then up the hill.

I'm near the top of the hill when I finally see snow. A fair amount of it actually, but thankfully not on the trail.

Soon my uphill climb is complete with a wonderful view of Twin Lakes.

I head up the trail just a bit further (and thru a bit on snow) to my favorite overlook spot where I take a break among the blooming flowers to enjoy!

Twin Lakes is extremely full - just one big lake today (with more snow melt coming). Looks awesome!

Soon I head down to the lake.

I'm almost to the lake when I see a small flyer --- it's a Sheridan's Hairstreak!!

I see two of them! As I continue scanning the flowers, I find a Two-banded Skipper. He's pretty beaten.

Well, that makes my day!

I reach the dam and oh my, I've never seen the lake so high! There's even water flowing into the overflows

and down the other side of the dam. Wow!

And there's absolutely no beach!! Incredible! (This is only my 5th Spring in UT, but this is a first me.)

I walk to the water (which takes only a few steps)

making a chipmunk scrambled over the rocks.

Well, it's time to head down. Lots of green heading down mountain but not many flowers yet. But the Glacier Lilies are still blooming here.

I head across the switchback above Lake Solitude I find one Marmot.

And a Pika.

Lovely day!