Saturday, July 15, 2017

July 14 - Broads Fork Meadow (Big Cottonwood Canyon)

Been wanting to head up the Broad Forks trail for sometime and today is finally the day. The trail to the meadow is a steep one; 2 miles and 2200ft of elevation. (6200 - 8400ft). The trail doesn't end at the meadow as one can continue all the way up to Twin Peaks (or simply roam the meadow on the available footpaths).

Unfortunately a cloudy/hazy sunshine this morning  but I'm sure there will be sun even if it's just peeks.

Start off just before 8 am. Sun is has not quite risen above the mountains. But it really doesn't matter as this first 1.25 miles will be on the west side of a mountain (shady by nature) and through a fir and spruce forest. There are small openings in the forest coverage where flowers can thrive.

I make it uphill away from the road and the first views of Big Cottonwood canyon and the valley to the west.

And then I continue up through the forest. Soon I hear the flowing of water which means I'm getting near the waterfall and footbridge.

I get my first view of the stream. And a little higher up and another look. And then (finally) I'm at the footbridge. Water is still flowing at a good clip!

Well, I'm over 1/2 way there!

After crossing the bridge, I break out into open meadows and aspen groves. The rest of the trail will switch between the two landscapes.

It's not too far before I come to the 1st meadow. Tons of Horsemint blooming! (There's also Paintbrush, Yellow Composite and others.)

Not expecting to see many butterflies as it's still pretty shady but I do find a Weidenmeyer's Admiral

and a Two-tailed Tiger!

The meadows are "cozy" as all the snow have left the vegetation growing high and overflowing onto the trail. Love it!!

Continuing on and upward, I get my 1st glimpse at my destination -- high peaks in the distance!!

Gives me a bit of a 2nd wind.

I pass through several more meadows along the way. In one of the final ones, I'm really surprised to see Fireweed blooming - it seems too soon.

I finally reach the big rock formation -- not much further.

I come up the last "up" portion into the meadow. Wow! The flowers are great!  I take a right at the first side trail and head thru the meadow for the views of Dromedary and Twin Peaks! Awesome!

I see a Lilac Bordered Copper (several of them today)

Plenty of Painted Ladies -- looking bright and pretty fresh. Hands down the most abundant flyer of the day!

Buckwheat Blues (not sure which species though)

I look over to the pond to see if there is a moose over there before I head that direction. No moose; I turn around and head back to the main trail and over to the pond.

I reach the main trail and head to the pond. Along the way, I find Frits, Northern Checkerspots

Among all the butterflies, I find a pretty little moth.

On a flower note, I find plenty of Sego Lilies!!

The views north to Big Cottonwood canyon are nice!

I see two Coppers swirling in a fight and I stop to watch. This is the longest "swirl" I've seen. They "swirl" towards me and I take my hand to interrupt their battle. It works! They both take off in different directions. I catch up with the one.

I cross the logs over the stream and I'm at the pond - not a full pond but still a pond.

I walk down for a look. I find plenty of moose tracks and a few shore birds including fluffy chicks!
And Mom.

I continue down the trail for a bit but I'm losing the mountain view so I head back to that first side trail.

On the way back, I catch up with a Clodius Parnassian.

I'm back on that right side trail heading for the mountains, I pass thru the flowers again but continue on a bit further to get good view down canyon.

Blue Coppers are flying now!

And for a good view of the stream and valley. As I look down, I spot a moose!!

It's a female. I check for babies but I don't see any.

I move a little further down the trail to get a better look. Well, there is a baby and it's sleeping!! Very cool!!

Mom is looking up in my direction so she knows I'm up here - I'm uphill and a good distance from them.

I watch for a bit and leave them in peace --- but I'll be back.

I come back and hunker down on the rocks to watch -- I really want to see the calf get up. So I wait and wait ..... then the head lifts!

I continue to wait .... and the little calf gets to its feet!

I'm hoping the Mom gets up and they move off or nurse or move into the water.........but the Mom doesn't move and the calf stands. And I wait.

Well, the calf eventually figures Mom isn't moving, so it lays back down.

I'd continue to wait but I think Mom is bedded down waiting out the heat of the day. So it's time to really leave them be and head down the mountain. What an incredible experience!!

So it's back thru the meadows and down the mountain.

Find some interesting fungus on the way down.

It's still overcast, so not much butterfly activity in any of the meadows until the last one -- near the waterfall. The sun is out now and the place is hopping with bflies!! I see Pale Swallowtails and Western/Two tailed; plenty of Northern Checkerspots and Coppers. There are Frits flying and I find Dreamy Duskywing.

I'm a bit confused by the Duskywing, Dreamy, based on my experience, is usually an early Spring flyer. Hey, this is the mountains anything is possible!

There's also 2 Wood Nymphs that just keep flying in circles around the meadow but never stop. :( I have to believe they are Small Wood Nymph based on habitat.

But the best sighting in this meadow is the California Tortoiseshell!

I'd stay longer but it's really very hot in the sun so I continue down.

See a Checkered White on the way down. (13 total species today.)

Incredible day!!