Friday, July 28, 2017

July 26 - Sawtooth Mts to Antelope Island

Well, I've really completed the hikes I came for (except the ones that require streams crossing), so instead of poking around the smaller hikes, I'm heading home this morning. A bit disappointing but I came, I saw (I liked), and I hiked -- all is good. (Besides, I brought clouds and rain to Sun Valley and I'm sure they appreciate it.)

It's a cloudy morning once again and in the upper 50s. Pretty socked in with clouds that look as if it can pour any minute. I'm heading a different and shorter way home heading southeast from Challis. Beautiful ranch country (cows, old leaning wooden buildings, etc)! And mountains (some with snow on them), canyons, and a river. Too bad it's dark with clouds.

But on top of one of those old wooden building, it a beautiful Bald Eagle! Can't beat that!

After about 2 hours of clouds and rain (just before I get to the Utah border), the sun shines!! (But there are tons of clouds building.)

I make a stop at Antelope Island (it's on my way) to see what's still out in the brutally hot summer we've had so far. (June was 7 degrees above normal and July is definitely way above normal.)

It's around 12:30 when I arrive. Very dry both the vegetation and the lake beds. In the spots of water are plenty of gulls and Avocets

And a few other shore birds.

Oh, the water is calm and a mirror of the islands and the clouds! Awesome!

I reach the island and head slowly down to the ranch. Before I even get to the fence line I see a Pronghorn on the water side. Nope there are two with bison behind.

I continue down the island - only a few scattered bison here and there.

A bit further down, I see another lone pronghorn not far from the road.

Still further along, I notice something that looks like an animal laying on the lake bed. It's a bison who didn't make it thru the summer. :( I'm surprised the coyotes haven't found it yet.

A little further along, I stop for a single bison crossing the road.

But the rest of the bison herd is not around. (They've got a secret spot to beat the heat.)

I reach the Ranch and turn around and head back up the island. I can't find any of the 3 Pronghorn but I do see a new bison laying down that I had missed earlier.

And I pull off to get a photo of a view I've never snapped a picture of. And below me, is a bison!!

Just a few 100 yards down the road, I stop for yet another lone bison crossing.

Then it's time to head over to the west side of the island and nothing moving over here either. Just lovely views.

Time to head home.

Good day!