Monday, July 31, 2017

July 31 - Catherine and Sunset Passes (Little Cottonwood Canyon)

Heading up to view the wildflowers of the Albion Basin today. The big Wildflower Festival for Little Cottonwood Canyon was this week-end so there should be some good flower viewing.

Sunny morning with highs in the mid-90s in the afternoon. When I arrive at the parking lot for my trail, it's still in the low 60s - beautiful!

Lots of flowers as expected but there's also still snow on Devil's Castle which is pretty cool since the last two summers, the snow was long gone.

The trail to Catherine's Pass is only around 1 mile and 800 ft; climbing to 10,200 ft.

The lower part of the trail is filled with flowers -- lots of buckwheat, paintbrush and others.

But it's shady still on this part of the trail so it'll look much better on the way back.

Near the foot bridge still water flowing on the trail - a little rock hopping required to keep the shoes dry. And then up thru the flowers to the big meadow.

I arrive at the meadow

tons of hummingbirds flying, nectaring, and chasing each other. I get buzzed many many times by fast moving hummers.

At the end of the meadow, there's another wet area with Elephant Head and Shooting Star blooming.

And then the uphill above the meadow

and thru more  flowers continue up to the Pass. There's no one here this morning (but plenty of cars in the lot). I stop only briefly -- there are Frits flying -- before continuing up. As I climb higher, there are less flowers. Peak season has not yet arrived above 10,000 ft yet. There are White Paintbrush along the trail but that's about it.

I stop at the first view point

before continuing to the top. There are some flowers here

but still not at full bloom (lots of buds - give it a week or two).

I do find a Painted Lady and some Frits flying up here.

I continue along towards Devils Castle but I have to turn around due to an appointment this afternoon.

But I do stop for a quick break watching a Ground Squirrel have a morning snack.

And I take one last look down on Catherine Lake and Lake Mary before heading all the way down.

As I pass thru the flowers again (in the sun this time), they are still not at their peak -- lots of buds still. Just means I have to come back.

Passing thru the meadow, the hummers are still zipping around like crazy!

There are more Frits flying now as the sun has reached the flowers. But I just can't catch up with them. :(

Back near that foot bridge, I see a Chipmunk.

Although I whine that the flowers are not at peak, there's absolutely no doubt, they're are still fabulous!!!!

Great day!