Friday, July 14, 2017

July 12 - Willow Lake (Big Cottonwood Canyon)

Heading to Willow Lake today in Big Cottonwood Canyon after work. It was sunny and in the mid-90s but the afternoon clouds have rolled in especially in the mountains.

It's  in the low 80s when I arrive at the trail head (7800ft). No one else is parked so I'll have the entire trail to myself!

Before I even start the trail, I see a Pale Swallowtail and some orange flyers (possibly Frits) flying across the road.

Heading up, plenty of flowers in bloom, including Geranium, Bluebells, Paintbrush, Horsemint (new), Fleabane

and a tall yellow composite, etc.

The flowers are simply wonderful!

Thought there'd be more butterflies out but one of the few I see heading up is a Northern Checkerspot

(and the very abundant Western and Two-tailed Swallowtails). Almost forgot, the Clodius Parnassian.

But the moths are flying (large and small) - even at the lake.

Soon I reach the meadow -- lots of Buckwheat blooming here. I leave the trail to look for bflies on the Buckwheat. A bit disappointed that I only find a single Western Tailed Blue -- but it's a butterfly.

The pond is all dried up -- well there are still a few muddy spots.

I can hear the ground squirrels but they are pretty invisible today.

As I make my way to Willow Lake, I find a couple Purplish Coppers.

And see what looks like a Duskywing or Cloudywing (but never catch up).

I arrive at the lake -- it's level is dropping but still pretty full.

I see several baby Mallard ducks (still fuzzy) swimming around the lake.

The adults are feeding in the lake -- tail feathers high in the air!!

I head around clockwise. Lots of Tall Jacobs Ladder are this corner.

Before I cross the little stream,  I check the muddy spots and find several Buckwheat Blues.

Crossing over, I find more Buckwheat Blues and a Weidemeyers' Admiral and a Mustard White.

I continue around the lake.

Still not a "flowery" as I have seen it before. Perhaps if we got some rain it'll perk up the vegetation.

I do locate some ground squirrels (the only ones I see today).

Along the lake muddy edges, I continue to find Buckwheat Blues.

I see a Lady (Painted/West Coast???) before heading into the woods.

Hoping to spot a deer or moose as I pass thru the woods but no luck.

I make my way back past the pond meadow

and back to the lake where I find a rock and have my sandwich and watch the ducks and ducklings.

There's one female swimming with the ducklings - sort of because the ducklings are scattered a bout the lake. I can continually hear little peeps from the ducklings and small quack from the mother.

The remaining adults are in one corner eating.

I'm waiting for the mother to come by me when I break out my sandwich but she's still in the water nearby. I break out my bag of chips and here she comes swimming up on shore and standing a couple feet from me. She still lets out little quacks as her babies are still swimming all over the lake. She stands and waits.

Soon comes another female -- she appears less interested in me than getting the other duck in the water. She soon leaves.

But soon she's back with all the adults. Luckily for me, they just feed along the edge of the lake.

Pretty fun to watch but it's time to head home.

Good day!