Friday, June 30, 2017

June 30 - Dog Lake (Big Cottonwood Canyon)

It's a sunny day with expected highs in the mid-80s.

Heading out to Dog Lake (Big Cottonwood Canyon) today (was not my original plans but I had to adapt this morning). The hike to Dog Lake is around 2 miles one-way with about 1500 ft of elevation (7200- 8700ft).

A good number of cars already in the lot as I get started. Lots of Geraniums and Tall Jacobs Ladder between the parking area and the woods.

As I head up thru the woods paralleling the road, I can see that the snow has all but melted from Reynolds Peak although some still remains in the mountains in the distance.

I complete the wooden (pine) section and turn to head north for most of the remainder of the hike (until the last 0.6 miles). This part of the trail is a mix of dry areas, aspen groves, and lovely meadows of flowers. The trail begins high above a creek but will eventually meet up with the creek.

Very early in one of the drier sections, I find some Yellow Stonecrop.

The aspen groves and meadows are lush and green. Even though most of the flowers are Geraniums, Tall Jacobs Ladder, Paintbrush and Bluebells, there are others including Horsemint



Lupine and many others.

Hey, I even find a Spittle Beetle on a Yellow Salsify.

Many critters scurrying thru the area this morning including Squirrels, Chipmunks and Ground Squirrels (including babies!!)

Looking for bigger critters like moose and deer this morning. (I do not see any.)

And as always, looking for butterflies but not seeing any at this time -- it is still cool out and only dappled sunlight for the most part.

I reach the stream - it's so lovely to hear it as it flows downhill thru the little valley. The area near the creek is even more lush. The trail continues to follow near the creek for a bit

and I see many tiny waterfalls along the way.

Finally! I'm starting to see Swallowtails -- Two-tailed and Western!

As I enter the final aspen grove, I see a Coneflower

And the White Columbine appear.

I finally reach the intersection of Dog Lake and Desolation Lake. I head right to Dog Lake - 0.6 miles and a big hill between me and the lake. I have company as I climb -- the many Swallowtails flying around.

Finally the lake!!

The only person here right now is a guy with his hammock all set up for a relaxing day.

I loop around the lake to the left.

I reach the opposite side. There's a chipmunk running along the floating logs and a find a Western Swallowtail that's been a meal -- just 4 wings. :(

I see some moose tracks in the drying mud and a few butterflies: Boisduval's Blue, Silvery Blue, Northern Cloudywing and a Weidenmeyers Admiral.

I also see a dragonfly.

Time to head down -- and hoping to see many butterflies among all those pretty flowers.

And my hopes are fulfilled starting with Comma.

A single Lilac Bordered Copper

Western Tailed Blues, Rocky Mt Duskywing, a Pale Swallowtail, Field Crescent, Northern Checkerspots,

Clodius Parnassians - quite a few of these today as I stopped counting at 15. Even seen one (that I was stalking) give chase to a Tiger Swallowtail!

And Frits (I knew I saw them flying -- even getting chased by a Checkerspot). I think this is a Coronis Frit but I'm not confident ID'ng them. (They all look alike to me.)

And the views aren't so bad either.

I also locate a bird (I think a Green-tailed Towhee) with a very pretty song and has that greenish hue of the two birds that buzzed me as I was stopped watching one of many many Parnassians.

Two Hairy Woodpeckers (perhaps Downy)

together on the same tree.

The "icing on the cake" of the trip was finding a single Sego Lily.

Wonderful day!