Monday, October 9, 2017

Oct 7 - White Rock Trail (Antelope Island)

Heading to Antelope Island today. It's a sunny morning with temps around 50 when I arrive on the island.

When I reach the island, I turn right to head to the Ranch -- my plan is to hike the Sentry Trail today.

There are two bison at the road intersection as I drive by.

The rest of the way to the Ranch, I pass several small (2-5 animals) bison herds. It isn't under I am 1/2 way to the Ranch when I see a huge herd of bison. But they are way in the distance near the mountains.

(There's a bit of Fall color out there too!)

I also see two doe. I would normally stop but I just passed a bunch of bikers that would run over me if I stop. :)

After passing the Ranch, I drive down the dirt road to the Sentry Trail. As I'm getting ready, I notice a herd of bison (small brown blobs) in the distance to the south. As I'm watching, I notice a few bright spots that are moving -- Pronghorn I bet. And then, there's a smaller dark spot moving toward the Pronghorn. It's a coyote!!

Pretty cool - Pronghorn, Bison and Coyote all together.

I look away for a moment and the Pronghorn are running with the Coyote following ... and then they disappear.

As I'm watching, two cars filled with a people pull into the parking lot. Seems they will be walking the trail too. No offense to the people but I'm changing my plans -- I like my solitude. I get back in my car and continue down the dirt road to see if I can catch up with Pronghorn or the Coyote. I'm successful in finding the Coyote!

I reach the end of the road and turn around. On the way back, I see 6 Pronghorn bedded down near the lake's edge!

Well, time to head back up the island and to the White Rock Trail.

Along the way, I catch a quick glimpse of a few bedded down Pronghorn not far from the Ranch.

Soon, I'm at the White Rock Trail. Appears there's a 50K bike ride today -- I'm hoping they're almost done by now.

There's no bison to be seen around the trail nor near Bison Point. Time to start.

Still plenty of Dragonflies flying along the lower section. And grasshoppers.

After climbing the switchback, I stop to look a Bison Peak. Beautiful day!

Along this stretch, I scare up 3 Monarchs as I pass by.

It's about 2.5 miles of trail before I catch sight of the first (and only) bison along the trail.

Along that same stretch of trail I see a lone Pronghorn standing at the edge of the trail ahead of me.

I stop figuring he's going to run off. But he doesn't so I move slowly forward. He calmly crosses the trail and starts feeding on the other side. I pass 75 feet behind him and he's still feeding. (I'm surprised, they're usually pretty skiddish.)

Soon I'm at the 1/2 point of the trail standing above White Rock meadow staring at Frary Peak

I don't seen any bison down there but there could be Pronghorn; I'll be looking for them.

I start making my way down. Great view of the bay today!

On the way down, I see Tiger Beetle. Haven't seen one of these since Spring.

A single pink flower.

(Plenty of sunflowers still blooming.)

A Painted Lady, another Monarch and 10 Clouded Sulphurs.

The lizards are also starting to come out. At least two different species.

One last view of White Rock Bay before turning north towards the trail head.

I'm on the last stretch before the trail head when I see 3 Common Checkered Skippers.

Awesome day!