Sunday, October 8, 2017

Oct 6 - Cardiff Mine and above (Big Cottonwood Canyon)

Heading up Mill D North to the Cardiff Mine above to see the mountain ridge including Cardiff Pass. I've been on Mill D North before and attempted to get see the mountains but the many, many, many Private Property - No Trespassing signs eventually scared me enough to turn around (even though I knew that as long as I stay on the road, I'm on public property).

Well today's the day I get. And it's a perfect time to go as this is a mid-elevation hike which means there should be Fall color and the mountains will be covered in snow. It's a two-fer day!! (hopefully)

Cool morning, low 40s when I arrive at the roadside parking for the trail. Since it's so early, I decide to drive down the road (1/2 mile) to the actual trail head parking; it's very limited and I'm hoping there will be free spots.

As I head down the road, lots of yellow aspen color. Mt Reynolds just to the west is beautifully snow covered.

Ahead of me, I see a deer cross the dirt road and as I drive up there are actually three deer.

One is a male, one is a female and the other, well I didn't really get a good look but betting it's a doe. That's a good start!

I arrive at the parking and there is only a couple of cars, I have a spot!! (Saves me a mile of walking.) Plenty of blue skies but there are also plenty of clouds and right now it looks like I will be walking under one of those large clouds.

I head across the bridge, the stream is still flowing but it's low flow - plenty of dry creek bed.

Time to start heading uphill. The trail is 2.5 miles and 1660 ft to the Cardiff Mine at 9140ft.

The first part is shaded through the pines. There's a small creek flowing downhill along the trail. It looks nice!

As  I continue up, there are peaks of sun but still mostly cloudy.

Soon I arrive at the big meadow. Lot's of leaf color!!

Would look better if the sun was out -- hopefully on the way back.

As I continue up through the meadow and I'm coming upon a pile of rocks covered in vegetation. But there's something dark brown in pile ---- it's a moose!!!

She's got her eyes on me. She's not far from the trail but she's behind a big rock pile so I walk quickly past. When I'm on the other side, I turn and find her again with a clear view.

I watch for awhile; just trying to find out if she has a baby. Soon, she shakes her head and move away from me -- I don't see a little one so I continue up the trail.

A bit further up the trail, I finally reach the first mining tailing pile.

Lots of copper colored water still streaming over the road. It's easy to get over as there is a plank to cross.

Continuing on, I cross a dry creek bed and reach the start of the Private Property signs but I continue up the road. Along the way, I see a lone doe on the downhill side of the road.

Soon I catch sight of those snowy mountain peaks I want to get close to and the Cardiff Mine.

I reach the mine but again lots of Private Property, camera signs so I take a peek and just pass by.

I have a choice now, go left or right. Both roads have snow on them and no foot prints. I don't remember which way I went before but today I go right. Fortunately, it's only a short section of snow and I'm back on dirt. The trail heads back north above the mine before heading back south again.

It finally levels off and I get my first glimpse of those snowy peaks ahead of me!

Come on sun and blue sky!!!!

I continue along the road getting closer to the peaks with every step. But soon I reach the end of my road.

Since I can see only a portion of the peaks, I decide to head up the flat rocks.

It's only about 40 yards before stopping. (Elevation: 9400ft) Here I wait for some blue sky. I get peeks of sun and that will have to do for today,

Pretty incredible place!!!

I would love to wander up here - especially in the summer to see what butterflies actually are here. May be next summer.

(I definitely headed down the left trail last time because I was much lower on the mountain side.)

Time to head back -- it's all down here.

On the way down, I look and find that doe again and she has 2 friends!

All my times on this trail, the only folks I've ever seen are people heading to Donut Falls and are a bit lost. Today, I see 7 people (a group) heading up to Cardiff Pass.

Lots more sun now -- the yellow leaves are popping!

I even manage to find a few asters still hanging on.

I reach the meadow and look for that moose but no luck.

The meadow is pretty incredible at this point!!

As is looking downhill back towards the road!

Stunning day! One moose, two herds of deer, Fall colors and snowy peaks -- awesome time!!