Thursday, October 12, 2017

Oct 12 - Catherine's/Sunset Pass & Cecret Lake (Little Cottonwood Canyon)

Taking the day off to go for a hike -- time is a ticking before the "real" snow starts falling and some trails become inaccessible for me to travel.

My original plans were to head up to Red Pine Lake. Always one of my summer favorites, the last 1/2 mile is steep and rocky which means when the snow comes, the trail closes for me. But when I woke this morning, I wanted to head up to Catherine's Pass (and beyond). It's one of my favorite places and last year I missed a late season visit because the snow came early. :(

We've already had upwards of a foot in the higher elevations a couple of weeks ago which caused a bit of a panic for me but no precipitation since then so I need to make it up there quickly. Today is the day!

Heading up Little Cottonwood Canyon is incredibly beautiful with the Fall colors in full force. Even the aspen are yellow -- much more colorful than Big Cottonwood Canyon!

I reach the summer road and head up  -- always bumpy but much better than I've ever seen it this late in the season. I arrive at the parking area; only 3 other cars and it's almost 9:30!! Guess once the flowers are gone, this place is just not as popular - fine by me.

It's a sunny morning but cold; it's only 29 degrees (I can see my breath) with a light wind. But it's so pretty out as the surrounding mountains (Devil's Castle, Sugarloaf Peak and Mt Baldy are still snow covered)!

What a treat as it's something that most don't see as the Summer Road doesn't open until July 1st at the earliest and most of the snow is already melted. So glad I came today!

Along the trail, there are patches of snow but this "beginning" area gets a lot of sun so most of it has melted. I start up the trail. Lots of dry seed heads and plants along the way and I can't find a single bloomer (obviously not surprising).

I'm looking for moose but see nothing - but I do find fresh moose scat in the middle of the trail near the foot bridge. Soon the trail turns and leaves the wonderful views of the Albion Basin and starts the uphill climb towards Catherine's Pass.

As I work my way up, the right side of the trail has snow - several inches.

The left side is pretty clear. The trail is basically frozen mud with a few slippery spots - could be fun on the way down when the mud melts.

At one point I stop to take a photo of Devil's Castle and notice a deer in my view. Surprise!

I finally see people; meeting two bow hunters on their way down; they saw deer - no moose.

Soon I reach the meadow. Although I'm pretty sure there's no moose, I look anyway and find none. But there are squirrels and chipmunks running around.

After getting thru the meadow, it's back to the other 1/2 half of the climb.

And then I'm at Catherine's Pass and it's pretty awesome!!

I want to head up to Sunset Pass (one of my favorite spots) but there's lots of snow. I check the trail heading up and it looks relatively clear so up I go.

Soon I'm on the backside of the peaks. A little more snow back here but still very much walkable - just have to tread carefully in a few slippery areas.

I reach the viewpoint down on Catherine Lake. (Lake Mary is in the distance.)

Upwards to Sunset Pass.

Once I reach the Pass, I head down a bit of the Sunset Peak trail just for a different view of Catherine Lake below.

Then back up to the Pass. It's a bit hazy this morning so Mt Timpanogos is very faint in the distance between the two peaks.

I head back to the trail as I want to head over to Devil's Castle but there's too much snow - at least 9 inches - so I take a break looking at Mt Timp.

It's still really early so I decide to head down and over to Cecret Lake (The parking is just down the Summer Road). It's not something I've ever done only because parking is typically a big problem but that won't be the case today.

Down I go back to my car. On the way, I almost step on a squirrel - I didn't see him (blinded by the sunlight) but I heard a rustling, looked down and there he was hugging his prized pine cone a foot from me.

(Scared me! But obviously, he wasn't.)

Once down, I drive over to the Cecret Lake parking - only 4 cars here. Time to head up the trail.

Soon I'm at Cecret Lake!

I have the lake to myself although there are a group of folks high above me on top of Sugarloaf Peak.

I slowly make my way to the other side of the lake as it's lunch time!!!

As I make my way around, I notice that there's been some trail maintenance done on the trail side shrubbery which has all been cut back. Curious.

I reach the other side and find a great spot in the sun for lunch. (It's still very cold out.)

Time to head down. (It's only 39 degrees at my car.)

Awesome day!