Thursday, June 8, 2017

June 7 - Twin Lakes

Sunny and 97 degrees in the valley around 3:30 pm. Heading up to the snow, Twin Lakes specifically, in Big Cottonwood Canyon. (I've walked around Silver Lake recently, time to get a little higher.)

When I arrive, it's about 20 degrees cooler - yea!

The trail starts at Silver Lake (8700ft). Last time I was here, the snow around the lake had just about all melted and it was very mucky. Well today, it's a bit drier but still mucky. There's green vegetation popping up in the wet muddy meadow. (There's even a couple of frog calling.) The lake is now all open water

and all the snow around the lake has melted except the shady east side.

There's White Crowned Sparrow flying (along with many other birds).

There's even young boy (with his Dad) fishing. As I walk by, he catches a trout. :)

6 Mallards on the lake -- very lonely males.

I reach the trail; it's snow free (at least on the bottom). There's lots of Glacier Lilies (aka Avalanche Lilies) blooming along the trail.

As I head up thru the aspen (which have leaves), there's lots of green vegetation on the forest floor and just a couple of small patches of snow. I see a Blue butterfly along the way but he doesn't stop flying.

I also see a few ground squirrels.

I wonder if the Pika and Marmots will be out in the rock along the ledge so I keep my eyes and ears open. When I reach the ledge, I hear Pika chirps!  As I scan, I see one scrambling to hide himself in the rocks. He's very successful at hiding because I can't find him. (He's the only one I see.)

The ledge is, at first, clear of snow. Then about 1/2 way across, I reach snow - probably 1-2 ft still. It's hard packed so pretty easy walking.

I complete the crossing and now is all uphill on a snow field to the lakes!!

There are a few open spots along the way with buttercups in bloom!

I see another butterfly gliding over the snow.

A little further up, I spot for a quick break and hear a humming bird. I turn and find the little red breasted flyer (probably a Broad tailed Hummer) a foot from my face chirping. And then he was gone. Very exciting!!

I'm almost to the dam.

when I see not one but two Milbert's Tortoiseshells!

Then I reach dam (and lakes) - so beautiful!!!

Time to slip and slide my way down this slope!!!

Back down to the ledge, I catch sight of the backside of a Marmot as he ducks into the rocks. (No actually 2 backsides of Marmots.)

Awesome day!