Friday, June 2, 2017

June 1 - Willow Lake and Silver Lake (Big Cottonwood Canyon)

Well, we cooled off from a 94 degree high yesterday to cloudy and 80`sh degrees (a little above normal temperature for this time of year). Heading up into the mountains to recover from yesterdays heat and to scout to see how much snow is left up there -- from the ski resort cameras, a lot - but I need to see for myself.

I enter the canyon and it's 84 degrees (around 3pm). The creek is just roaring down the canyon.

Not much snow to be seen until around the Silver Fork area (8000ft) -- snow even on the ground around some of the houses (but there's plenty of open spots).

I get to my trail (elevation 8200 ft). No snow to be see on the south facing slopes where my trail starts. The Bluebells, Balloonflower are blooming at the trail head. But as I head up the ~640ft in 3/4 miles, the only flower I see are these white ones.

And Yellow Violets and a few Waterleaf.

Plenty of green though even the aspen are starting to leaf out (little lime green leaves).

I'm not far on the trail when I see a deer off to the right -- he sees me too!

I also see one Orangetip flying!

I complete the "climb portion" and now the aspen have no leaves. I guess that's not surprising because I'm 600ft higher.

As I continue thru the Aspen to the Lake, there are now pockets of snow in the forest. I find a Red Breasted Nuthatch.

The trail is clear though.

As I reach the meadow, the aspen now have leaves again - curious.

And I'm greeted to the sounds of Western Chorus Frogs and the chirps of the ground squirrels. I hear them but only find a few.

The pond has plenty of water (and no ducks).

I head past the pond and over to the Lake. I'm surprised to find a dry walk over to the Lake. (I was expecting mud or a little snow.)

One Mallard pair swimming around.

I head over to the left and the corner of the lake - a bit mucky over here. The little creek heading from the lake is high (and the shore muddy). Pretty sure I can make the 4ft leap across but ... I'll wait for another day. I try to get around the other direction but there's a lot of snow and since I can't make the loop anyway, time to head down and over to Silver Lake.

As I head up to Silver Lake (8730 ft), definitely see much more snow. There's only a couple of cars in the Silver Lake parking.

I was here a couple of weeks ago and there was still 3ft+ of snow,  Today, very mucky looking but clear.

I walk around counter clockwise. I reach the footbridge that had broken handrails last time. They're all fixed already.

Now I start running into patches of snow, mud, or standing water on the trail (and off). I do find a sole male Mallard on the lake.

On the opposite side of the lake, I also find Glacier Lilies in bloom.

I work my way to the eastern side of the lake, lots of snow here. Still walking on 2-3+ft of snow (it's shadier over here). Even ice on the lake.

And streams on the trail.

Wonderful day!