Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 9 - Spring Snow on Antelope Island

Well, winter hasn't quite left even though it's officially Spring. Got 3 inches of snow last night; looks beautiful on the trees and bushes this morning. The mountains got around 2ft, pushing the snow totals to over 500 inches (511 to be somewhat exact)!!!

Heard the nasty, swarming, biting gnats have hatched on Antelope Island which would normally end my early hiking season there. But with the snow and cold temps, I'm thinking the bugs will be frozen or buried so it's worth one more hike.

So off I go heading north to Antelope Island. It's almost 9am when I leave and hasn't even started to melt at by house but as I head north, there's no snow on the ground. They definitely got snow because I can see it on the mountains of Frary Peak and the foothills (to the east). But the sun is shining  more up here than in the city.

I arrive on the causeway -- the dreaded "No-see-Ums have hatched" sign is posted on the entrance station -- but it's really windy (from the West) --- there will be no insect problems today!!

Nice to see snow on the island's mountains again.

Lots of Gulls flying around and several new ducks. I try to take a photo but every time I roll-up, they fly. :(

The water on both sides of the causeway is a bit rough due to the wind.

Like normal, when I reach the island I head towards the Ranch. I don't have to travel far when I see a small herd of Pronghorn (I see 3) reflecting brightly in the sun and bright green grass.

Nice start to the day.

I continue on

It isn't till after Frary Peak that I spot something strange in the tall grasses near the shore. At first, I think they are 2 deer but on closer inspection; they are Sandhill Cranes!!

The rest of the drive is void of animals except one large hawk; he flies before I can get a good look.

The drive is pretty though.

I'm almost at the Ranch when I see a decent size herd of bison near the mountains.

There are a few Pronghorn hiding among the bison.

I reach the Ranch and start my walk. It's barely 40 degrees and that wind is blowing very cold.

There's another herd of bison again out near the mountains.

The wind is blowing so hard, I can barely hear the Larks singing.

At least there's a nice snowy mountain view ahead of me.

When I stop to take a photo at the Sentry Peak trail head,

I'm surprised by a Pronghorn!!! No, two Pronghorn!!

As I watch, they eventually prance away to the east.

I start my way to Mushroom Springs heading directly into the wind. I brought a light winter coat, a fleece and gloves but I didn't bring anything for my ears; they are freezing!!!

There are a couple of bison out in the grass to the south.

I reach the Springs and head north. The mountains help protect a bit from the wind but it's still there. There are a few blooming flowers.

I make it up one little hill when the wind hits again.

Time to turn around. :( It's a little hike at least.

On the way back, I stop at the little pond near the Springs.

As I crest the little hill, I startle a Mallard pair -- off they go. Also, I scare a Kildeer.

I continue back to my car and then head back north up the island. I find another Kildeer on my way back to the car.

Since I didn't get to the Sentry Peak ridge, I head up to the Frary Peak parking. Looking for good views

and new plants.

Nothing new on the way up other than that herd of Pronghorn (eight now) have moved to the other side of the road.

I head west to complete the loop around the Visitor's Center (and hopefully find some more bison). Instead I find a lone Pronghorn.grazing southeast.

I climb to the Buffalo Point parking. Can't help but one last glimpse of White Rock Bay.

No bison in the White Rock meadow; a few down by the shoreline.

I complete the loop and head back across the causeway. Along the way, I see one Goshawk flying west. And some Coots!

Good day!