Saturday, April 15, 2017

April 15 - Mormon Pioneer Trail

When I saw that the foothills on the east side of Parley's Summit were snow-free on Thursday night, I was very excited about my first hike of 2017 on the Mormon Pioneer Trail.

Today is the day. Typically this time of year, the trail is flooded in spots, a flowing creek in places and if you're lucky just muddy. I hoping to just get a mile up the trail before being forced to turn around but keeping my fingers crossed I might get farther.

Beautiful sunny day; it was below freezing even in the valley last night so I wait until around 1pm before heading up to the trail (~6400ft). The dirt road is very bumpy but not holey. (It'll get better once they doing the seasonal grading.)

I do see some butterflies zipping along the road but I can't make any IDs. The creek is flowing high and fast as one would expect this time of year.

Several cars in the lot when I arrive -- looks like most are leaving.

I get to the actual trail start -- only dandelions in bloom. The creek next to the trail is flowing high/fast but at least its not covering the trail (which is a good sign).

I see a few flyers -- all Painted Ladies.

I also see a small black flyer -- must be that black moth with white spots. (Never do catch up to one.)

The trail looks in pretty good shape (minimal water) at the beginning as I've see worse. But I still cross one small flooded section and then straddle a section of trail that's flowing with water - not bad. But the big crossing is coming up.

I reach that crossing and there's a LOT of water. I've rock hopped and crossed over on logs before but all those rocks and logs are now under water. I look for a way around but other than making my own trail up to the peak and walking along it (or wading thru at least 2-3 ft of flowing water in spots - knowing there'll be more of these ahead), I'm done for today at probably 1/4 - 1/2 miles. :(

But it's nice to be out again on trails (no snow)!

Next week will be better as the water appears to be receding!

On the drive back out, I see a male Mallard in the creek and a Blue Heron along its shore!

Nice day!