Saturday, April 8, 2017

April 2 - Wild Basin Creative Research Center

Big storms rolled through this morning but by noon the sun is shining and we off for my final day in Austin TX.

Heading to the Wild Basin Trail which is the "hill country" of TX (still in Austin by on the west side). Wild Basin is St Edwards (local university) Research Center and consists of 227 acres within the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve.

The biggest loop, the Yaupon Loop, is 1.75 miles and its the one we are heading out on today. (There's a total of 2.25 miles of trail -- smaller loops.)

We're not more than a few feet down the trail when we see our first critter, a rabbit.

The butterflies are out too -- I'm seeing Buckeyes

Many Little Wood Satyrs

A Gray Hairstreak

And plenty of Dun Skippers.

There were other flyers too: Variegated Frits, Dainty Sulphers, Snout, and Monarch.

The trail is of course very muddy in spots but the scenery is good and varied. And after an initial flat portion, we heading downhill.

Soon we come to our first creek crossing. The creek is definitely higher because of the rains but with some quick well-placed feet, we both get across the rocks with dry shoes. We veer off onto the Creek Trail (aptly named because it follows the creek) and soon startle a deer crossing the creek.

We continue along until we meet the creek again. Unfortunately, the creek is flowing over all of the rocks -- there's no way to get across with getting wet. In the name of dry shoes (and I've already bought a dry pair because of yesterday's hike), we decide to head back and continue on the Yaupon Trail.

Many more Little Wood Satyrs along this portion of the trail.

In another 1/2 mile, we're back at that creek; easy crossing though. Seeing more Dun Skippers!

And this beautiful bright red-orange dragonfly (Flame Skimmer)!

One more creek crossing (and some waterfalls)

And the other.

With some turtles present.

We complete the loop! Great little hike!

And the final stop of the trip, Zilker Botantical Gardens. Beautiful gardens but not much blooming yet. Favorite garden for me is the Prehistoric -- lots of large Palms (with a few dinosaurs thrown in).

A few butterflies flying here too -- Black Swallowtails and a Tropical Leafwing!!

Many turtles swimming in the ponds -- including this baby.

Nice ending to a wonderful trip.