Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 23 -- Antelope Island

Well, I woke up this morning wanting to see baby bison. So even though it means battling the nasty biting gnats, I'm heading to Antelope Island. I'm optimistic that I might even get a hike in because there's a little breeze (though I'm not sure if it's enough to keep the bugs at bay but I have a Plan B - a fine bug net for my head!)

Mostly sunny this morning and already in the mid-50s with a slight breeze.

I arrive on the island and don't have to drive too far along the causeway when I reach water on both sides! Haven't seen that much water since last Spring -- and the real mountain run-off is still to come.

I see a Goshawk flying and several shore birds as I drive across.

I was actually expecting more birds because the swirling columns of midges are every where -- splat, splat, splat on my windshield.

I reach the island and head south towards the ranch. There's about 6-7 bison just before the fence line. I lose sight of the group as I roll up as they are on the other side of a little berm. But there's one beside along side of the road. Love of sound of the tearing of grass as he grazes.

A little farther down the road, I see about 4 bison hiding among the rocks up a hill.

On the east side of that rocky hill, there's a car stopped in the middle of the road. I look around and find a lone pronghorn on the right side. Not a bad start to my day.

I stop at the viewpoint -- lots of water out there (but we need more).

I also see another small herd of bison resting on the dry lake bed; I'll be passing them shortly.

Still further along, something catches my eye on the flats. It's a small herd of Pronghorn!!

I stop at the Frary Peak turnoff just briefly and catch a Meadowlark singing his wonderful song!

And get a good look at the Pink flower that's blooming.

The rest of the way to the Ranch all I see is another small herd of bison on the flats - all Bachelor bison. I'm wondering where all the females are; they should be having their calves.

Oops, and one running deer who I quickly lose sight of in the sagebrush.

I park at the Ranch. They are finally starting to make progress on all the storm damage to the Ranch. They have half the barn roof back up and new beams on the other. Also, some of the metal roof that was blown off on the out buildings is back up. Nice to see progress.

As I get out of my car, I notice some bison on the south side of the Ranch. I walk up to the fence (still a good distance way) to check them out --  I see babies!!!!

I thought I'd be safe from the bugs near the Ranch - it's typically a safe zone for some reason. But not today -- I feel the "burn" of those little bites.  I pull out my netting and put it on. Not sure how anyone sees out of these things but I continue down the road toward the Sentry Peak parking.

However, the net is not working :( Must not be tiny enough holes -- maybe a paper bag will work :)

But I continue on as I want to see the bison -- and there's a large herd! And I do see babies (and a Pronghorn in the background) as I continue down the road passing a carpet of those tiny pink flowers.

But not a lot of babies; they must be just starting to calve.

I continue to pass more bison, even a few deer!!!

Well, at some point, I guess I startled the new Moms and they start a mini-stampede toward the Sentry parking. I just stand and watch.

Many cross and keeping moving toward Mushroom Springs.

But my hike was not meant to be today -- bugs!

I return to my car -- hey, going north into the breeze is keeping the bugs at bay! I took a chance today - I didn't get my hike but I did get to see the babies!!! (Well, worth all the bites and the itching that will be coming over the next couple of days.)

I reach my car, drop off my pack and head to the Ranch (no bugs here). I'm hoping the Bird Area is finally open -- it's been closed since the storm (unsafe tree branches). No such luck!

But I do stop and talk to the DNR guy. I ask about the Great Horned Owls and he says they never found a nest this year. But that's because no one went looking in the Bird Area because of the danger.
Fortunately, there is a volunteer crew that started working on the area but he has no idea when it will be open again. Well, it's progress!

On my drive back north, I find 2 deer grazing. They look like they are bucks -- little antlers!

I'm at the head of the island and see 2 bison on the flats.

Time to head west and I'm quickly greeted by a lone bison.

And a little further a lone Pronghorn walking towards the road. He stops for a quick scratch.

And proceeds to cross the road. Once across, makes a brief sprint to the sagebrush.

One last stop up at Bison Point parking for a very quick look at White Rock Bay. (Lots of gnats up here!)

After coming down, I head around Bison Point towards the beach area and go figure, I see yet another Pronghorn! Good day for antelope sightings!

I head past the beach and the Visitor's Center. On the north side of the Center, I see one deer.

Not a bad day for animals! (Especially the biting ones!)