Friday, April 14, 2017

April 14 - Dog Lake (Big Cottonwood Canyon)

Well today is the day I go exploring what the snow levels are in Big Cottonwood Canyon. The ski resorts close on Sunday for the season (even though there is still 120+ inches) so it's time to start getting up there.

Choosing Dog Lake because it's mid-canyon (~7300ft) so there's a chance the snow will have disappeared on at least part of the trail. (Boy was I wrong!)

It was sunny this morning but unfortunately the clouds have rolled in at the time I'm leaving for the hike. It's cool, low 50's in the valley.

The drive up the canyon is snow-free. The lime green invasive Spurge is everywhere at the mouth of the canyon. The creek is flowing but no where near "snow run-off" levels.

After I pass the Lake Blanche/Broads Fork parking, I start to see snow on the mountains ahead of me but the south facing slopes at the Dog Lake parking are clear. No cars here which should mean no folks on the trail (maybe that's an bad omen). Plenty of people however across the street heading up to Donuts Falls/Cardiff Mines and plenty of snow on those peaks.

Still cloudy and only 43 degrees when I park.

I start my hike with a ground squirrel sighting a few feet from my car. (One of many today.)

The first part of the trail has a bit of snow only on the trail -- packed down from the winter and behind trees. There's also moose/elk scat all along this east-bound trail - he is definitely using this trail to around.

Once past the snow beginning, the trail clear. I make a stop for a good look at Mt Reynolds across the street.

Continuing on, I reach the end of the east-bound portion of the trail and turn north. I'm shocked to see a Painted Lady flying (no sun/low 40s - a little strange but it was sunny earlier probably woke her up).

The trail is clear for only a bit longer than it becomes pretty much snow covered.

Lots of birds calling today -- woodpeckers, chickadees, ... And lots of ground squirrel calls too!

I continue over snow

until I reach the intersection with the "winter" trail from the Days Fork parking. The going is slow so it's time to head back.

On the way back, I see a chipmunk an OregonGrape with buds

and in the exact same spot, 2 Painted Ladies dancing together in the air.

Short but nice day!