Friday, December 1, 2017

Dec 1 - White Rock Trail (Antelope Island)

Sunny day with high in the mid-40s today. Want to head into the mountains (still not much snow yet) but I have a cold and don't think climbing at higher elevation is very wise (especially with a stuffy nose). So heading to my old standby, Antelope Island - always a good time.

I arrive just before 9am. Still cloudy when I start crossing the causeway. I'm greeted by a hawk (it has a white bar across its tail). He's perched on a sign but I can't stop fast enough before it flies - beautiful bird!

The sky is wonderful this morning with a touch of light orange still hanging on due to the cloudy morning but there are blue skies moving in from the north - yea! Add that to the flat water and it's wonderful!!

Even the sea gulls look amazing in the mountain reflections this morning.

I'm hiking the White Rock Trail today but head directly towards the Ranch when I reach the island. As I pass behind the Ranch I notice some deer behind it. They are hard to see as they are laying down and are just little heads peering over the grasses.

I stop and then notice a few are standing. All doe and I count 6. Nice start.

I move on down the island. It isn't too much further down the road I see a couple of bison. And then heading down from the first pull-off I see 3 bison not far from the road. I wonder if one of these bison last time I was here because it's the exact same spot I saw a bison on Sunday. No pronghorn across the street like on Sunday though.

I continue on past Frary Peak and as I continue to the Ranch I see 2 other herds of bison but both in the distance against the mountains.

I reach the Ranch and turn around to head back north and over to the west side of the island and the White Rock Trail. No new animal sightings on the way North.

As I drive thru the White Rock Campground, I notice a herd of bison in the distance to the southeast. And a lone bison in the campground. (Hope he doesn't work his way down to my car by the time I get back.)

I park and head up the trail -- still cloudy to the south and only 38 degrees.

By the time I climb the first hill, the sunny is already out - yea!!!

Pretty quiet trail this morning; just me passing lots of brown plants --- not even a single yellow flower hanging on.

Soon get my first glimpse of White Rock meadow and there are bison down there!!!

I reach the high point (which includes a bench)

and notice 3 other bison and it doesn't look they are that far from my trail -- will soon find out.

There are also 6 bison off in the distance to the west. (Something to look forward too after a couple of miles of hiking).

The views east are wonderful as the inversion layer is quite visible today.

I head down the ridge and soon reach the interior trail and start my way around. I don't see those 3 bison, I must still be above them. A little further along, I do finally find them.

Continuing around, I finally reach some yellow flowers!! It's a short section of trail about 30 feet. There are grasshoppers flying still!

And a beetle!!

And a Clouded Sulpher!! (It's December 1st - that's awesome!!)

After the 30 feet, it's back to dry stalks. There are a few yellow flowers here and there but not many.

I'm coming around the last corner and in front of me on the hill is a herd of Pronghorn!!! I count 30 of them but there may be more.

I still have a little ways to go before I near them but they are very aware of my presence. The bigger group is to my right and smaller group to my left. The smaller group is above the trail -- I will pass right under them when I get there but I do expect them to move as they tend to be skiddish.

I'm getting near when I hear an alarm cry, I look right and see one Pronghorn jump and a bunch start trotting further to right (away from me) but the 4 animals ahead of me stay. I also see one Pronghorn that is further to the west of the main herd.

I pass right under them -- pretty cool!

I look to my left and spot that lone Pronghorn below me in the grasses.

I keep moving and watch him start trotting east and then up towards his herd.

I continue on (spotting another Clouded Sulpher) and soon passing over the 6 bison nearer to the water.

My westward trek is complete and start north heading back to the trail head. I get one more surprise on my way back to the car -- a dragonfly!!

Incredible day! (And no the bison wasn't near my car when I get back. In fact, I'm not sure he moved at all -- he was just laying down resting.)