Saturday, December 9, 2017

Dec 8 - Antelope Island

Sunny and cold day. Heading up to Antelope Island after work to check things out.

I arrive on the island around 12:30; it's sunny and 32 degrees. Definitely looks cold as the water on Farmington Bay is frozen. The only opening is where the Salt Lake water mixes with the Bay by the bridge.

It's hazy due to the building inversion layer.

Only a few sea gulls left and still not many ducks have arrived.

I head straight for the Ranch -- thinking about hiking the Sentry Trail (perhaps).

Have to admit I'm getting pretty nervous as I'm almost to the Ranch before I finally spot some animals - a small herd of bison down near the lake bed. (Whew!)

I park at the Ranch and decide just to walk the dirt road past the Sentry Peak Trail to the gate at the end of the road.

I start up the road scanning for animals and am seeing none.  :(

The scenery is not too bad though.

After passing the Sentry Trail, I start seeing bison prints on the road and soon spot the bison in the distance near the mountains.

I'm also seeing lots of antelope tracks -- some looking pretty fresh. They are around here somewhere but I'm just not seeing them.

I reach my turn around point and start back. As I near the Ranch again, I spot 6 deer (all doe)!!

I reach my car and start heading back north hoping some animals appear - just like the deer (they must have been bedded down when I first when past).

I pass Frary Peak and am coming up on the water bin when I spot a coyote's head!! He's trotting towards the road (and he's very near it). I slam on the brakes and wait wondering if he's actually going to cross. Holy cow! He's crossing - emerging from the grasses a few feet in front of my car!!

He's a "well raised" coyote; stopping at the edge of the street, looking both ways

before crossing the street!

He then heads back into the landscape!

I then head over to the West side of the island and find no animals

But an awesome day!