Beautiful sunny day with temps in the low 30s. I want to enjoy the sun before the storms roll in for the week-end so I leave work a little early to head up to the Dell Reservoir (East Canyon) to "catch some rays". Yea, the mountains will have sun to but lots of folks are off (as are the kids) and I figure it will be pretty crowded in mountain on a sunny Friday afternoon -- there won't be any crowds where I'm heading.
As I head up, it's still sunny but there are clouds rolling in and when I arrive 15 minutes later, my sun is gone :( and it's 29 degrees but I'm walking anyway.
The reservoir looks great -- still lots of water with some snow around its edges. There is a dusting of snow on the foothills as well. And an excellent view of the Oquirrh Mts across the Salt Lake Valley.
The walk is around 1.5 miles along the trail - I'll walk the road back as it's closed for the winter.
The trail is snow covered/packed with only a couple inches of snow. I see a few deer tracks near the start of the trail but after that, only rabbit tracks. Big Mountain is in the distance.
Looking for moose, deer, birds but nothing - just quiet.
It isn't until after the bridge and almost the end of the trail when I see some large tracks of a moose in the snow. Not fresh but moose tracks none the less!
Someone has also put up a couple of bird houses near the end with large holes - perhaps owls?
I'm back on the road and heading to my car.
Nice little walk.