Thursday, March 30, 2017

March 29 - Desolation Trail / Salt Lake Overlook (Millcreek Canyon)

Beautiful Spring Day! Having plenty of rain (and snow in the mountains). The Daffodils and trees are flowering in the valley. It's a sunny day around 58 degrees so it's time to head out for an after work hike.

Heading back to the Desolation Trail; it's been over a week so I'm still hoping the snow will be gone and some Spring flowers emerging.

As I enter the canyon, the invasive Spurge plants are blooming with their neon green flowers. (I do have to admit, they are pretty which is why they are now covering the foothills in spots -- pretty plant = landscape plants.

I believe I also pass by a few Glacier Lilies so this may be an interesting hike.

I get to the parking area and only very small patches of snow left. (Yea!) Even the icy bottom of the trail is mostly clean and easy walking. Things are certainly greening up.

It's not long before I see my first Glacier Lily plant poking up through the ground. Just a solo one; I have to walk further down the trail before I start seeing more - including one with its hanging bud.

I also see plenty of Waterleaf and Groundsel plants poking up from the ground.

Soon I find the only blooming Glacier Lily of the whole hike.

Further along, I begin to see Spring Beauties! They are scattered all the way up to the top.

And I find a single buttercup!!

(There are 2 or 3 tiny clusters of them along the rest of the trail.)

Last year I found (for the 1st time) Steer's Head. Since they are very early bloomers, I'm looking really hard for them.


I find 3 flowers in one area and that's all (for now).

I'm finding this plant along the drier and sunnier spots. (Saw one bloomer up top last time.)

The upper switchbacks still have snow on the trail. So it's still slippery in spots.

Much of the snow just before the overlook has melted but plenty still remains -- quite the contrary for Grandeur Peak.

Nice view of the city from the overlook.

The new snowfall has the view looking north, looking nice!

I wander up the trail. A bit muddy and still some snow from the other day's rain/snowfall. But the top is much clearer as I can walk to the backside which is where I stop for today.

Time to head down.

The last 25 yards of the trail is still in the sunlight and I manage to scare up a butterfly! Fortunately, he lands near by; it's a Satyr Comma!!

Great ending!