Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 18 - Table Mesa Trail and Rocky Mountain Arsenal

Another beautiful morning (a sunny cool 39 degrees) but I need to be at the airport by 11 am so I have to be quick.

I'm up and ready to go before 8am. I've made the decision to go to Table Mesa near Boulder first before heading back to Denver and the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Refuge.

Table Mesa is only 15 minutes west (drove past yesterday on my way to/from Boulder) so it's worth a stop so I can hopefully get a better (north looking) view of the Flatirons. Also, today I get the morning sunlight.

The Table Mesa trail is behind the University of Colorado Atmospheric Research (UCAR) building which sits on top of a big flat top hill just south of Boulder.

I drive thru town and reach the entrance to the site -- a big open grassland with the Flatirons ahead; definitely worth a photo stop.

I finish the drive up the hill to the UCAR building. Not many folks out yet this morning (kind of surprised but happy).

A short walk around the UCAR building and I'm at the trail. Lovely views!

The landscape is exactly as yesterday -- Ponderosa Pine and still brown from last Fall.

I don't have time to walk the Mesa Trail but I take the 0.4 miles Interpretive Trail - a little loop. Thought the trail would give me some open views of the Flatirons but unfortunately, only little peaks.

I decide to head downhill on the Mesa Trail (still holding for those views). After a 20+ rocky uneven steps I'm down to the bottom on the hill and walking around it. As I turn north, there's at least 12 deer feeding not far off the trail - quite the surprise.

(Even a couple out for a jog, stopped to look -- it's just never gets old.)

Well, I get around the hill but there are no views of the Flatirons; I'm just too low now. But there are nice views of Boulder!

I head back

up the steps - finding a Yellow Violet trying to bloom.

And make my way back to the parking lot but before heading back to my car, I cross the street to check out the open view.  That's the view I wanted!!

Then back to my car and off the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Refuge. The refuge is approximately 16,000 acres and sits on what used to be the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, a chemical weapons manufacturing facility. It was designated a wildlife refuge in 1992 has of course, gone under extensive environmental cleanup and restoration. It is now home to bison, mule deer, black tail prairie dog, coyote, raptors, ..... It is also home to a Black Footed Ferret recovery program.

I arrive just after 9 am.

And am greeted at the gate by some Prairie Dogs.

Last time I was here (about 7 yrs ago), the Visitors Center was just a trailer. Now it's a wonderful eco-friendly building. Lots of work has also been done to the landscape. All wonderful improvements erasing it's history from sight.

I decide against walking the trails; instead I decide to do the relatively new 11 mile scenic drive.

I set off on the drive and quickly see more Prairie Dogs.

All along the way I can hear Western Meadowlarks

Horned Larks

Red Winged Blackbirds and many other birds singing.

I see several herds of mule deer browsing,

and watch another herd run across the road.

I pass a couple of small lakes -- Mallards on the pond!

I see many birds of prey

including one very large hawk in a tree alongside the road; of course he flies as soon as I roll to a stop.

One stretch of the drive featured lovely mountain views.

Lots of Prairie Dogs and a few rabbits.

I enter/exit a few "Caution Bison areas" but finally find the bison near the end of the loop just after I exit a bison area.

They have around 100 bison here; this one has learned how to escape the fence.

The end of my loop, I meet the first herd of deer I saw again. They are right along the road.

I head back to the Visitor Center and check out the Black Footed Ferret exhibit.

The ferrets do inhabit the site and are doing quite well according to one of the Rangers.

I'd love to continue on a hike but my time is up; time to head off to the airport.

Lovely day!