Saturday, March 11, 2017

March 11 - Sentry Trail (Antelope Island)

Heading up to Antelope Island this morning; it's supposed to be sunny and in the mid-50s today. Perfect day!

Calving season is coming soon as the Park just postponed the closure of the west side trail. There will be baby bison (little reds) and Big Horn sheep running around soon. (Still hoping to see an adult sheep on the island -- quite elusive and they stick to the high/rocky territory.

As I cross the causeway lots of mud flats on the Farmington Bay side; but water on the Salt Lake side. (Still hoping that snow melt coming soon raises the level on Farmington Bay a lot!)

When I reach the water, it's perfectly flat with lovely reflections of the mountains and clouds.

And Frary Peak.

I head south to the Ranch. But quickly stop as there are around 7 Pronghorn behind the Visitor's Center.

When I stop, the sounds of Spring around in the air! (The Western Meadowlarks and Horned Larks are busy singing this morning.)

I stop a the first viewpoint and when I get back on the road, I see about 5 bison grazing among the rocks high on the other side of the road.

A little further down the road, I see a few more bison on top a plateau.

As I saw down the hill, I see a large herd of bison along side of the road.

Up close and personal this morning!

Further along, I see a car pulled off the road and a spot that tends to be good for coyote. I slow down and begin scanning. I see them! Two coyotes -- two bumps in a sea of tall grasses. I get out of my car and cross the run. They appear to be eating something or hunting. The one coyote begins to head north along the bank.

And soon disappears. I can still see the other coyote and walk south to try and get a better view. No such luck. I get back in my car and pull up the road just past the other car, stop and get out. Perfect view!

She's definitely poking around for some morning snacks!

I continue on and soon come upon another car pulled off. Some of the people are looking west and others are looking east. I don't see anything to the west. But to the east, there's another coyote (#3).!

Across the way, is yet another herd of bison on top of a hill.

I reach the Ranch and since the gate to the road is still closed, I park and start may way walking down the road. Soon I spot 2 deer behind the Ranch.

(Pronghorn, Bison, Coyote, and Deer I've got them all today!!)

As I continue to walk down the road, I'm hearing the Larks calling. They seem so near but I'm having trouble finding them. But I finally see one of the Meadowlarks.

Continuing on, I see a Milbert's Tortoiseshell fly by.

I reach the actual trail and make my way to Mushroom Springs. I see no animals in the fields this morning.

And no butterflies either -- I'm still hoping they return but after the fire, I just don't know. Still think it's still too early for them to be flying.

I reach the uphill section and as I head up, finally some life - Tiger Beetles!

And black beetles!

There are still some tiny pockets of snow remaining on the slopes.

Not too much singing up here but there are a few Horned Larks flying around.

I almost to the ridge passing thru the sagebrush section that was torched during the fire; there's a slight greening happening here.

I reach the ridge and the lovely views west.

I check for animals down the western slopes but can't find any so I start my way south across the ridge.

Hey! I find my first Spring flower! (Spring Parsley I believe)

Only one I find; although there a few others with buds.

As I pass behind Sentry Peak, I hear Chukkars but can't find them.

Time to head down.

Boy, from up here, I can really see how dry the Bay is.

On the way down, I see a lizard!!

And lovely rolling green hills!

I reach the Ranch and start north up the road. Soon I see a lone Pronghorn walking north.

And see that one of the small herds of bison I passed a few hours ago is really a large herd.

A little further along, I see what could be a small group of Pronghorn. I stop and sure enough, several Pronghorn all bedded down.

That other large herd I passed thru earlier and has a little further north and all are grazing now.

I finally reach the circle road around the Visitor's Center. The Pronghorn are no longer there but a lone bison is.

I head clockwise (to the west). Many small (3-5) herds of bison over here.

The Island Buffalo Grill is open now (yea!), so I have stop for a Bison Burger before heading home.

Wonderful day!