Monday, November 6, 2017

Nov 5 - Sentry Trail (Antelope Island)

Not a pretty day out as a cold front pass thru bringing snow in the mountains and spotty drizzle in the valley. But I'm heading out to Antelope Island anyway as it is supposed to clear.

It's around 48 degrees when I arrive. The northern part of the island is sunny (since clouds passing thru though) but the southern part is still under dark clouds.

I want stay north in the sun but they're finishing up the annual bison physicals and the corrals are very near the White Rock trail (which I'd be hiking). Since the bison are being released so near the trail, I just don't want to deal with a couple hundred freed bison. Heading south to the clouds and the Sentry Trail.

I pass a couple of bison pretty quickly and a little further down the road see a bunch of bison on top one of the hills - must are laying down.

There's a big herd under the White Rock trail ridge too.

After passing Frary Peak, I see a dark spot near the white Farmington Bay shoreline. At first I think it's a Crow/Raven but it's moving. I zoom in with my camera and it's a coyote!!!

It looks like he's sniffing something on the ground. Then he disappears into the grasses.

Moving on, I pass a couple of smaller bison herd on the way to the Ranch but see no deer or antelope. :( Not too surprised though because I'd guess the animals were forced to move around when they herded the 500 bison to the corrals a week ago.

I park at the Trail Head and start up the trail. Still lots of clouds around but there are peeks of sun.

I don't see any animals as I look around. There's still a few sunflowers in bloom in spots on the trail. Not much moving along the trail other than a single beetle and a small flock of birds.

Oops can't forget the butterfly. Monarch, CA Tortoiseshell or Painted Lady???? I tried unsuccessfully to find it when it landed.

I reach the ridge the water is so calm below.

I track along across the ridge and behind Sentry Peak before starting the trek down.

Along the way, I see 8 Clouded Sulphers, a single dragonfly and a coyote running in the distance.

Time to head back up the island.

Along the causeway I spot for 3 Western Grebes (I think)

Lovely day