Sunday, November 12, 2017

Nov 11 - White Rock Trail (Antelope Island)

Sunny day but cool - temps in the low 40s this morning. Heading up to Antelope Island today to hike the White Rock Trail. Hoping there's bison (or Pronghorn) in the meadow.

Not many ducks along the causeway this morning but it's bright and 43 degrees.

Lots of cars out this morning - perhaps the Island has a special event today. There are signs for another Bison Run (and I see water stops) and the Bison Auction (This is the way they control the island's bison population and make some money for improvement/maintenance on the island. I believe this a genetically pure bison so they are sold to build a herd and add new genetics to existing herds and yes, probably some for food.)

I head south towards the Ranch passing behind the Visitor's Center - no animals to be seen. I see two bison along the dirt road to the Beacon Hill parking lot and a small herd near the water bin after coming down from the first viewpoint.

After passing Frary Peak, I see a number of the trail runners on that Bison Run and I figure it's time to turn around and head to my trail as the runners have probably scared any animals that may have been nearby. (And besides, last week  there weren't many animals to be seen either; just expecting the same today.)

I head back up the island and at the intersection make a left turn heading to the trail head. No animals seen along the way.

Just a few cars in the parking area. I gear up and start up the White Rock Trail. (43 degrees).

Very quiet out this morning. All the grasses are dry and in various shades of tans. There are a few sunflowers still blooming but it varies with the location of the trail.

As I head up the switchbacks, I expect to see cars/trucks at the bison corrals (and bison in the corrals) because of the Bison Auction signs along the road. But no cars or bison.

It is happening today. Perhaps those bison are hiding in the corrals. (I am a good distance away.)

I continue pass and along the trail. Not seeing bison or antelope scat today -- only fresh horse piles. (Have to dodge more than just the stray rock today.)

Soon I can see White Rock Bay and the big meadow. There three crows/ravens flying back-n-forth along the horizon.

Hey, there a few bison down there!

I stop briefly for a view of Frary Peak

and then continue down to the ridge.

I decide to take the shorter trail (which is actually the real White Rock Trail). Along this stretch following the contours on the hills, I see one small lizards (he quickly ducked into his hole), one dragonfly, one beetle and many grasshoppers flying as I pass.

And for the surprise of the day, one Checkered White

and a Painted Lady!!!

It's mid-Nov very exciting to see them!

And the bison - still far in the distance.

I reach the end of west bound trail and turn north. Pretty cool to have a great view north to Bison Point and

south of White Rock Bay/Elephant Point at the same stopping point!

Then it's back down to my car.

I decide to ride around the Visitor's Center, still hoping for animals. But nothing.  They are definitely in hiding right now. :)

Still a lovely day though!

And it's Veteran's Day -- Thanks to all that have served and those still serving!!