Saturday, February 4, 2017

Feb 4 - Antelope Island

Heading up to Antelope Island this morning as it's supposed to be yet another beautiful day - storms the last couple of days cleared up the air quality and south winds cleared out the inversion!! Should be a crystal clear day once the broken clouds/remaining showers clear out.

It's already in the 40s when I leave my house; upper 30s as I reach the causeway. I pass thru the gate and am greeted by the hawk that has made this his territory all winter.

As I cross, the "tundra-look" is fading as spots of open water appear on both sides of the causeway. But there's still plenty of snow and ice.

I see another hawk on the ground. As I stop, he flies south

And then lands.

The new open water on the Salt Lake side has brought the ducks over from their winter spot near the bridge.

I also see a Kestrel; he's flying west along the causeway and actually manages to pass me. I speed ahead hoping for a good look. Mission accomplished!

Not all the ducks have left the bridge.

Not seeing any Bald Eagles this morning - not even at the marina.

I head directly south towards the Ranch - hoping to hike the Sentry Trail at least the long flat switchback (about 1/2  way up); it all depends on the snow.

No animals, except another hawk, until I pass Frary Peak.

Then I see coyote heading south along the lake edge.

The animal void continues until I see some bison (maybe 30 animals) after the Frary Homestead. Most aren't too far off the road.  And the reason they are here is because there's supplement hay piles for them. DNR doesn't usually supplement the animals on the island but because of the summer's fire wiping out the grazing on 1/2 the island and a pretty harsh winter, seems it was time. (Happy they do this.)

I see only bison though. Not sure what they do with the Pronghorn but maybe I'll find out before I reach the Ranch as they been hanging out this winter not too far from here.

I continue on to the plains but find no Pronghorn - where did they all go??

I park at the Ranch and start walking to the Sentry trail head. Lots of snow has melted on the road making it a muddy mess. I walk along the edge of the road.

I see 2 bison in the distance to the west.

And hey, there's a coyote on the lake's edge. I barely make him out standing near a tree.

A little further along, I spot another possible coyote - yep! coyote #3 today. He has a friend today.

Boy, is it beautiful out - even though there are rain showers near SLC.

I reach the trail head. There's a little more snow than I expected (3-6 inches depending where I walk). But I trudge thru anyway.

There's plenty of tracks along the way -- mostly antelope or deer. And a pile of fresh scat.

I reach Mushroom Springs and then continue along the snow covered road. I'm actually following some deer/antelope tracks.

Lots of great views along the way.

I finally reach the switchback and start crossing.

Part of me wants to continue up to the top but I'm seeing more rain clouds so after spotting a Horned Lark

I start heading back down.

When I reach the road again, I look up and see only blue sky over Sentry Peak. Oh well, I'll be back.

As I continue back to the Ranch, I see 2 deer grazing.

Once back at the Ranch,

it's time to head back up the island.

I roll up on the Pronghorn winter hang-out looking hard for any signs of them. Finally, I see one and then a few more.

It's only a very small herd - maybe 12 animals. Happy to see them though I want to know where the rest of them went.

Continuing on,

I pass the bison herd. They are no longer feeding; they are all taking naps from a full belly.

A little further ahead, I see a car pulled over. I slow down and see a coyote heading south thru the grasses.

When I lose him, I turn to see the people are still looking at something under the trees. Yep, there's another coyote sniffing around. Not sure what's there but she's definitely engaged.

I'm about ready to leave when I notice yet another coyote under the trees!! Pretty cool!

I start driving again looking for that 1st coyote along the lake bed (east). I see yet another pulled over. They are looking are looking west at the coyote - he crossed the road.

I move on and when I'm passing the last open meadow before heading up a small hill, I see yet another coyote!

That's at least 6 for the day!!

I continue on and loop around the west side of the island. No animals to be seen but I do hear Chukkars.

Time to head home. Somewhere past the bridge, I notice a large bird on the ice. It's a Bald Eagle!!! (And he had duck for lunch!)

Nice way to wrap up the day!