Sunday, January 29, 2017

Jan 29 - Jeremy Ranch Walk

Thought about heading to the ski resorts this morning but my car headed over the mountains towards Park City instead this morning. I didn't quite make it to Park City; instead, exiting at the Jeremy Ranch exit.

It's a beautiful morning - blue sky, sunny (a bit of light fog)! A great day for a little walk down the road to the Mormon Trail. It's a bit nippy when I exit my car - 17 degrees - and start my walk.

The road is packed snow, the sides of the road in some spots I can't even see over due to the snow plowed piles -- I'm 5 10 and in spots, the snow was to my arm pits. To see, sometimes I have to climb on top - fun times.

To the right of the road (east) is a stream -- it's still flowing but some ice in spots.

And there are 2 Golden Eyes (males) in the stream!

There are trails along the stream - are they wildlife trails or dogs trails (lots of folks walk their dogs here)? I'm not sure.

There are many many trails on the foothills. Some go part way up the hill, some never make it to the creek, some just go in random patterns. There is one tree that seems to be an end point - maybe a bed down spot? Kinda of crazy to look at.

Once the stream crosses to the other side of the road (the west side), the trails cease for a while.

Beautiful untouched snowy landscape!

In the stream, I see 3 female Gold Eyes

and even further down, I see another male.

Soon the trails on the hills re-appear. (Also some mini-snowballs.)

I keep scanning hoping to spot something.

Then high on a hill I see something that looks out-of-place.

I check with my camera.... Elk!

They are all bedded down. Looks like at least 5. (After looking at the photo, there are at least 9.)

I continue on and find more tracks within 100 yards (across from the bridge over the creek). These trails lead all the way to the road, across the creek and continue along the foothills to the west.

I scan and on the ridge line I see what could possibly be a head (or it's a brush).

I check with my camera and more Elk!!!! Hard to tell how many thru my lens but there's at least two. :)

(From the photo, there appears to be 5.)

I continue on for probably another 1/4 - 1/2 mile before turning around.

On the way back, I find the one elk on the ridge line again. But when I look away for just a moment, she disappears.

I can't locate the first herd I saw. I'm sure they were still.

I continue along

And soon spot a large flying bird. I see a white head  - could this be a Bald Eagle? Sure looks like it! :)

I make it back to the beginning section (with the stream on the east side). I locate those 2 Golden Eyes again. And I spot what could be a muskrat or otter swimming in the stream.

He disappears.

I'm on the last 100 yds before reaching my car when I think I see movement high on a hill. It's definitely a dark spot. I look with my camera -- just a rock. I continue on but once again see movement. I stop and take another look -- it's deer!

A deer that's over the belly in snow. It's grazing (or trying to)!

Very cool!

And now I think I know what all those swervey, curvy trails are just deer grazing on the visible plant life on the slopes -- it has to be!!

My "car" definitely made the right choice this morning. :) I was hoping to see deer or elk and I saw both! Add in a Bald Eagle, incredible morning!!