Saturday, February 25, 2017

Feb 25 - Antelope Island

Well Winter has made a snowy/cold comeback in Northern UT over the last 3 days dumping almost 4 feet of snow in the mountains (just over 400 inches total) and several inches in the valley - just when the warmer temps has me ready to start looking for overwintering butterflies.

It's cloudy and in the upper 20s this morning. Not good hiking temperatures for me but I'm heading out anyway. Going to Antelope Island; may be a bit of a boondoggle since the animals have now scattered but I like a treasure hunt.

Still cloudy (and not quite 30 degrees) when I arrive but the sky appears to be clearing to the northwest...time will tell if I see the sun.

Heading across the causeway, I see a hawk perched on a stick on the flats.

Lots of ravens/crows around. And the water is ice-covered but as I near the island, the water is deeper and is unfrozen. Just a few ducks and they are scattered bouncing on the small waves.

I head towards the Ranch.- nice to snow on the peaks again.

Just past Frary Peak, I see a coyote heading south along the lake He is definitely on a mission.

I don't see another animal until I'm almost to the Ranch; I catch a view of some bison between two hills as I pass. I back up to confirm the sighting.

I arrive at the Ranch and take a walk to hopefully catch sight of the Great Horned Owls - no luck.

I think about walking down to Mushroom Spring but in addition to the sunless cold day, there's a brisk wind blowing from the West --- brrrr!

I get back in my car and head north.

From this direction, I see that those couple of bison I saw earlier are part of a larger herd.

I also see that coyote still heading south.

When I reach the circle road around the Visitor's Center, I head west. I instantly 2 bison herds in the distance (10-15 animals each). I head down towards White Rock campground and find a herd of bison under Bison Point and another to the south. The bison are definitely scattered along the west side.

Then I head up to the Bison Point parking.

And then brave the cold and head up to Bison Point. Views are wonderful from the top!!

After returning to my car, I head back down to the loop. On the way, I see at least 3 deer on the edge of the sagebrush.

Continuing around the loop towards the Visitor's Center, I catch sight of a lone Pronghorn just past the Visitor's Center.

Not a bad ending to my day. Animals were definitely sparse but I saw them all - bison, deer, pronghorn and coyote! And now the sun is out!