Thursday, February 9, 2017

Feb 8 - Sentry Trail (Antelope Island)

Switched by off-Friday for a 1/2 day off Wednesday to enjoy the wonderful weather (50+ degrees and partly sunny) before storms arrive on Friday for the week-end.

I arrive on the causeway and what a difference since Sat. Lots of open water (especially at the beginning of the causeway) and muddy ground.

As I get closer to the island, I see more ice -- actually it has a green'sh color - must be algae.

I see a Kestrel diving for a some lunch. And spot what I think is a juvenile Bald Eagle on the ice.

I reach the bridge and there are no ducks to be seen -- they must be enjoying the larger areas of open water.

I reach the island and head south towards the Ranch. Most of the snow has melted - even the huge plow piles in the pull-outs are gone. The lack of snow is going to make animal sightings a bit more difficult as dark on white snow is very easy to see - brown on brown, a bit harder. I also suspect that the open ground will cause the animals to scatter as the grazing is now much easier.

I pass Frary Peak without an animal sighting. I reach the bales of hay, finally some bison but they are not feeding on the hay piles. They are off to west against the mountains. Guess fresh vegetation is preferably to hay/alfalfa.

Continuing on, I find no pronghorn on their winter flats.

Definitely, a pretty sparse day for critters!

I reach the Ranch and start my hike. The road to the trail head is much drier today - I like that.

There's flatbed of hay bales in the middle of the road with lots of bison tracks around it.

Just south of the Ranch, I see 6 deer grazing.

I also see 2 bison in the distance near the trail past Mushroom Springs. The larger herd is in the middle of the meadow so I'm hoping those 2 move off before I arrive.

I reach the trail, it'll be easy walking today -- no snow to deal with.

Along the way I see coyote, bison and pronghorn tracks in the wet dirt.

As I walk to Mushroom Springs, those 2 bison move off towards the herd. (yea!).

There are a few more bison just behind the Springs.

Then I spot something bright white to the north - looks like white barricades on the flats. I take a closer look .... Pronghorn!!!

They are enjoying the fresh green vegetation on the previously burned area - just like the bison. (It's easy pickings since there is no dead vegetation to deal with.) Probably 15-20 of pronghorn.

I circle pass Mushroom Springs and head south to the uphill section. Again, I see those white barriers to the south - more Pronghorn!!!! So glad to finally see the animals moving around again!

I start the uphill and spot another small herd of bison on top of one of the mountains.

I make my way up and across the flat switchback.

Time for the final uphill section...and I do run into the snow I was expecting here - it's the shady side. There's bison scat and pronghorn/deer scat up here.

And a jaw bone of a deer/pronghorn.

But the views are good

even though some spots are pretty barren.

I reach the ridge line - wonderful views to the west.

And south

And north.

Lots of jackrabbit pellets up here!

I start my way across the ridge.

Hey, there a bison down there. (Again this was all burned last summer but the bison are back!)

I reach the other side of the ridge and make my way down.

When I reach the long flat switchback again, I notice that bison herd on the peak made a lot of progress moving downhill.

I locate both herds of Pronghorn too.

There's also a very large herd of bison further south.

When I get back to Mushroom Springs, my path is blocked by a bison near the trail on the south side and another on the north side. Splitting through is not an option. So I go off-trail to the north of the bison. I give him at least 50 yards but as I near, he stands and stares at me. (Not a comforting feeling.)

But I pass without issue and head back to my car.

On the way back up the island, I spot a lone pronghorn.

And a bit further, a small herd.

And still further, another small herd.

Awesome day!

But one final sighting as I head down the causeway - an adult Bald Eagle on the ice with lunch.