Saturday, January 14, 2017

Jan 14 - Sentry Trail (Antelope Island)

Forecast is for low 30s and sun --- glorious sun! Unfortunately, it's still hazy around SLC (Yellow Air Day) this morning, keeping my fingers crossed. But regardless, I'm heading to Antelope Island this morning. Big warm-up the last few days. Lots of snow melted (the only snow left in SLC are the shoveled snow piles), so the island will look different. I'm curious to see if the animals moved. Hoping also to get in a hike - it's been a long time!

The weather gets "clearer" as I head north (yea!) and by the time I reach the causeway, it's pretty clear (light fog) and sunny!

As I cross the causeway, there's a lot less snow (as expected) but lots of ice on the lake beds.

I reach the bridge, lots of vehicles parked. Looks like a bunch of people are going kayaking in the open water. Seems a bit odd for January but good for them. However, their presence has reduced the number of ducks immensely.

But the Bald Eagle is still perched on the pole in the marina.

I turn and head towards the Ranch. I'm almost to Frary Peak when I finally see my first critters -- 3-4 bison up near the White Rock ridge. They are laying down.

Scattered small herds of bison along the way.

I also see 3 large buck walking along shoreline.

I'm almost at the Ranch when I see movement out on the lake. It's a coyote! He's heading north.

I check for Eagles at Mushroom Springs but do not see any.

Time to head up the island and over to White Rock for my hike. Hmmmm, where did the Pronghorn go?

On the way back, I see a lone deer under a tree. (Another buck.)

I continue on to the larger herd of bison. I stop to look at the bison to the left. Then I turn right and holy cow, there's a deer right outside my car. How could I have missed that?!

And a little further down the road, I see another deer running along lake bed. I scan for coyote but find no reason for the deer to be running. Maybe he's just running to catch up his 3 other mates. I stop to watch and that's exactly what he's doing.

Moving on. As I pass Frary Homestead road, I finally see Pronghorn!! It's a herd of at least 30 grazing north of the Homestead. Happy to see they are still on this side of the island.

I continue on back up the island and then head west. I cross the "ridge" I see a coyote

and several deer just south of the island.

The coyote is running back over the "ridge" toward the main road. The deer are just content feeding where they are.

I head to the White Rock Parking and start to the trail head. Definitely more snow than I expected on the trail but I'm going anyway. Hard walking with all the prints left from previous people not to mention the drifts. I reach the upper loop and continue around in the clockwise position.

When I'm above the bison pens (which still have bison; moms and Fall calves), I hear a coyote howl a few times but can't find him.

I finally reach White Rock Basin. There are quite a few bison down there.

The views are nice lots of sun glare.

I decide to continue on the loop hoping to get closer to the bison. I'm also hoping that the trail is clearer than what I just passed thru. But the trail is somewhat worse -- more drifts. But many coyote tracks.

I finally reach the west side of the loop which is bare ground (yea!)

Soon I reach the snowy switchbacks back to the parking lot. As I start down, I see a coyote trotting below heading for the shore!

I make it back to my car - good hike!

And start back to the causeway heading past the beach and the Visitor's Center. There's a lone bison behind the Visitor's Center.

I reach the causeway, the Bald Eagle is gone; the kayakers are still paddling.

As I exit the island, I see a Kestrel perched on a road sign.

Good day!