Sunday, August 13, 2017

Aug 11 - Mormon Pioneer Trail

Well today I'm heading over to the Mormon Pioneer Trail to search for female Great Spangled Frittillaries. The males have been flying for a few weeks now so the females should be in full force by now. (Last week when I was here, I did see a few females but they were not very photogenic.) Just note: I'm interested in the females because they look very different than the males but are just as gorgeous!

Had some rain showers early this morning and a stretch of rain clouds still exists heading east. I leave around 8:30 because to the west, south and north it's clear so no more rain is on the way; at least for this morning/early afternoon.

I drive up Parley's Canyon toward Park City in the clouds and a few sprinkles (and some lightening in the distance) but after exiting at Jeremy's Ranch, there's nothing but blue sky - except the sun is still in the storm clouds.

I arrive at in the parking lot and it's still cloudy but 72 degrees. Not expecting many butterflies due to the lack of sun, but the sun will be out and so will the butterflies.

I start up the trail - many of the flowers and the vegetation is drying up. But there are still some yarrow, asters,


and many yellow composites still flowering.

I'm not that far on the trail when I'm surprised by a male Great Spangled Frit basking on the trail - just waiting for the sun.

And a few steps later, I can see my shadow - yea!

Many critters moving around in the brush today -- birds, squirrels, snakes (yes one crosses the trail in front of me). I even see a squirrel peeking out of a hollow tree chirping at me.

Lots of Woodland Skippers flying - tons of them!!

I also see a few Small Wood Nymphs too!

And the Frits - many, many flying! Mostly male Great Spangled Frits!

And I believe the others are Northwestern Frits.

All the Frits really like the Thistles that are blooming now.

A find some Milkweed (the flowers are slowing fading) and check for Monarch caterpillars but find nothing.

I'm seeing female Great Spangled Frit -- scaring 6 of them up as I walk by. The 7th finally lands in the creek bed. But flies when I move for a better view. (Maybe I'll have better luck in the Camp's meadow.).

Along the way to the meadow, I also see a Coral Hairstreak

Two tailed and Western Swallowtails, Weidenmeyer's Admirals, a Mylitta Crescent,

a Field Crescent, a Painted Lady,

Mustard Whites, and a few Clouded Sulphers. Not bad for the end of the season!

I finally reach the meadow and an area with Thistles -- there are so many Frits here!!

And 2 females Great Spangled Frit - they are so awesome!!

I then make my way to the pond -- where I find another female!

I reached my goal of the day but I continue down the trail picking up Common Checkered Skippers.

I have to mention the grasshoppers -- the big ones -- particularly this orange one.

When it flies, it is black, white, and orange! Wonderful!

After a little over 2 miles, I decide to turn back -- it's the end of the season, just not many bflys flying - except for the Frits and Woodland Skippers!

On the way back, I see a Lilac Bordered Copper and, at the pond,

Ruddy Copper.

As I exit the meadow, I find a Satyr Comma. The first one in quite some time.

I reach the end of the trail and am surprised my a Melissa Blue

and another Ruddy Copper.

Awesome day!